XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a computer readable XML based language designed to enhance the communication and analysis of financial data. It enables the electronic tagging of financial data allowing the data to be identified in terms of standard accounting or tax concepts.
iXBRL or Inline XBRL, is a more recent version of the language which allows human-friendly presentation of XBRL documents. An iXBRL report can be viewed like a web page and the XBRL can be extracted if the recipient wants to use the tagged data. iXBRL is the format of XBRL being adopted in the UK and Ireland for tax reporting purposes [1].
This App uses a XBRL file stored on the SEC's EDGAR system. The file is a 10-Q quarterly report form submission by Amazon for the current year ending 31st December. The full path to the file is: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1018724/000144530513002495/amzn-20130930.xml
NodeJS server using requestJS gets the XBRL file from a remote server using HTTP. CheerioJS enables the use of JQuery on the server and can also parse HTML and XML documents. Cheerio is used here to parse the XBRL document. The results of the parsing are then simply logged to the console.
- clone the repository
- npm install
- node server.js
Michael Cullen 2014