Sandbox is a platform to quickly and easily create or generate web service mocks, with instant deploy, collaborative build, and debugging tools for API developers. More info -
Sandbox Runtime is the core processing component of the Sandbox product, it is responsible for executing HTTP requests against your definition files (main.js etc) and templates (template.liquid) to produce a response. The intent of this component is to reduce the feedback loop of making change to seeing the output during local development, and also to support CI test execution.
There are three distribution types:
- Statically linked linux binary (no JRE etc required built via GraalVM, linux only)
- Docker container (needs docker, linux and mac) -
- Fat JAR (needs Java JRE, windows, linux and mac)
Getting Started and the API Definition pages.
Linux native image:
Fat JAR:
docker run -v ./your-sandbox-definition:/base -it getsandbox/worker-cli:latest
CLI directly:
Usage: sandbox [--quiet] [--verbose] [--watch] [--base=<basePath>]
[--port=<requestListenerPort>] [--runtimeVersion=<version>]
--base=<basePath> The directory to try and load the Sandbox JS definition
--metadataLimit, --activityLimit=<activityStorageLimit>
The number of activity messages to keep in-memory before
they get discarded
--metadataPort, --activityPort=<activityListenerPort>
The port to optionally start the activity api on, can be
used to introspect what requests are hitting the
server, useful for CI assertions
The port to listen on for requests
--quiet Reduce logging, request / response and console.log()
won't be shown, only errors.
The runtime version to execute at, the version effects
what libraries are injected and what ECMAScript
version is available
--state=<statePath> The file to load and store the Sandbox state object to,
by default state will only exist ephemerally in-memory
--verbose Increase logging, request / response bodies will be shown
--watch Whether to watch the base path for changes and
automatically reload or not