
A specification for interoperability of push-based data sources in JavaScript

Fantasy Observable

A specification for interoperability of push-based data sources in JavaScript.

This project provides a specification for the Observable type, along with its satellite types Observer and Subscription. It is compatible with definitions of Observables and Streams in libraries such as RxJS, most.js, Kefir, and xstream.

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


Fantasy Observables represent push-based data sources. When transporting data from a Producer to a Consumer, the process may be Pull or Push. In Pull systems, the Consumer determines when it receives data from the Producer. In Push systems, the Producer determines when to send data to the Consumer. Fantasy Observable is a Push system.

In this system, the Producer is an Observable and the Consumer is an Observer. The observable collection of data may be invoked at the Producer with the method observable.subscribe(observer), and from that point onwards data is pushed to the observer. No further invocation is required at the observable. The subscribe function returns a Subscription. This subscription has an unsubscribe method which can be invoked with no arguments to cancel the transportation of data from the Observable to the Observer.


An Observer is a JavaScript object with three REQUIRED functions as properties: next, error, complete. Expressed as a TypeScript type:

interface Observer {
  next: (x: any) => void;
  error: (e: any) => void;
  complete: (c?: any) => void;

The next and error functions MUST receive an argument, but the complete function MAY receive an argument.

Observers represent consumers of push-based data transportation. Data MUST be given to the next function by invoking this function with the data as argument. Errors occuring in the data producer MUST be given to the error function by invoking this function with the error as argument. The complete function MAY be invoked by the producer to inform the consumer that no more data nor errors will be delivered.


A Subscription is a JavaScript object with one REQUIRED function as property: unsubscribe.

interface Subscription {
  unsubscribe: () => void;

A Subscription represents a single execution of a push-based data producer. Its only feature is to allow cancellation of the execution.


An Observable is a JavaScript object with the REQUIRED subscribe function as property.

interface Observable {
  subscribe: (observer: Observer) => Subscription;

Observables represent producers of data, delivered in Push style to Observers. Data MAY be delivered to the Observer functions in the same event loop as subscribe was invoked, or in subsequent event loops. The subscribe method MUST return a Subscription object.

Observable-Observer contract

When an Observable and an Observer are connected through a Subscription initiated by a subscribe, the next method of the Observer MAY be invoked multiple times. The Observable implementation MUST conform to the so-called Observable-Observer contract, which specifies that:

  • next MAY be invoked
  • error MAY be invoked
  • complete MAY be invoked
  • Observer methods MUST NOT be invoked after the invocation of error
  • Observer methods MUST NOT be invoked after the invocation of complete

The above contract may be expressed as a regular expression, specifying that next may be invoked zero or multiple times, but if either error or complete are invoked, no other Observer method invocation can occur:



The following concepts are OPTIONAL for compliance with Fantasy Observable.


It is RECOMMENDED that reactive programming libraries compatible with Fantasy Observable support the from method to convert an Observable to its corresponding type in the reactive programming library.

interface ObservableEquivalent<T> {
  from(observable: Observable): T;

Extra type: Subject

A Subject is both an Observable and Observer. It is both a Producer and a Consumer. You may use its Observer methods to send data to the Subject, while you may use the Observable subscribe method to consume data from the Subject.

interface Subject extends Observable, Observer {}


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