
media embed for youtube vimeo and soundcloud

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Embed for YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloud

This plugin requires Vuex


  • Auto pause players
  • Restore previous state from store


$ npm install vue-media-embed


import Vue from 'vue'
import VueMediaEmbed from 'vue-media-embed'
import Vuex from 'vuex'

const store = new Vuex.Store({ ... })

Vue.use(VueMediaEmbed, { store })


In this example we embed 3 players

<vue-media-embed source="soundcloud://295067272" :auto-play="1" :allow-fullscreen="0" />
<vue-media-embed source="youtube://C6vinrXWxls" :auto-play="0" :allow-fullscreen="1" />
<vue-media-embed source="vimeo://70114668" :auto-play="0" :allow-fullscreen="0" />

Sources like http://vimeo.com/190613094 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?.. or https://youtu.be/{ID} are fine too


You can display an overlay over the player that will start playback when clicked

<vue-media-embed source="youtube://C6vinrXWxls" overlayMode="before" />

By default the overlay has a black background. You can give it an image to display instead


And you can use a custom play button element

  <button>Fancy play button</button>

Overall props

Property Description Default Example
source Platform and ID of the media required vimeo://70114668
auto-play Start playing automatically when player is loaded 0 1
auto-pause Pause player when another player starts playing 1 0
related Show related content 0 1
poster The url of the poster image displayed on the overlay '' '/assets/img/poster.png'
overlayMode Determines when the overlay shows up 'off' 'before'

overlayMode values

Value Description
'off' The overlay is completely disabled
'before' The overlay shows up before playing the media
'beforeAndAfter' The overlay shows up before playing the media and after it ends


see docs

Property Description Default Options
show-buying Show/hide buy buttons 0 1
show-liking Show/hide like buttons 0 1
show-download Show/hide download buttons 0 1
show-sharing Show/hide share buttons/dialogues 0 1
show-artwork Show/hide artwork 0 1
show-comments Show/hide comments 0 1
show-play-count Show/hide number of sound plays 0 1
show-user Show/hide the uploader name 0 1
start-track Preselects a track in the playlist, given a number between 0 and the length of the playlist. 0 positive integer


see docs

Property Description Default Options
show-badge enable or disable badge on the video 0 1
byline Show the user’s byline on the video 0 1
color Specify the color of the video controls. Defaults to 00adef. Make sure that you don’t include the #. 00adef
loop Play the video again when it reaches the end 0 1
show-portrait Show the user’s portrait on the video 0 1
show-title Show the title on the video 0 1


see docs

Property Description Default Options
color Color theme 'red' 'white'
controls video player controls 1 0 2
disable-keyboard Keyboard controls 0 1
start Starts playing video in seconds -1 p ositive integer
end Stop playing video from start in seconds -1 positive integer
allow-fullscreen Displays fullscreen button 1 0
locale Sets the player's interface language '' 'fr', 'fr-ca',..
annotations 1 causes video annotations to be shown by default, whereas setting to 3 causes video annotations to not be shown by default. 3 1, 2
loop Loop a video 0 1
modest-branding Minimize YouTube logo 1 0
plays-inline plays video inline for iOS. 0 1
show-info Displays information 0 1

Issues and features requests

Any issues or would love to see another embed being supported? Add a feature request