
This is a test API for GCS.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is a toy API for GCS. It serves as an example of how an API can retrieve information from a database and serve it back in a useable JSON format.

How to build the code?

This is a Go application, so it may require you to go get the application dependencies that are needed for the application itself.

Using Go, you can then build the binary like so:

CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o gcsapi .

Another dependency of this application is that a MySQL database is needed. See the testdata.sql as a starting point for setting it up. Also, take a look at the database helper.

How to run?

You should be able to run it using the binary:


Note: Pay attention to your platform (see: GOOS in the build line)!

How to run with Docker?

First, you need to build the binary: See the building section above.

Next, you need to build the image:

docker build -t gcsapi .

Once that has been done we can run it:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 gcsapi gcsapi
