
STEGASURAS: STEGanography via Arithmetic coding and Strong neURAl modelS

Primary LanguagePython


STEGanography via Arithmetic coding and Strong neURAl modelS

This repository contains implementations of the steganography algorithms from "Neural Linguistic Steganography," Zachary M. Ziegler*, Yuntian Deng*, Alexander M. Rush.

There is a breaking change in pytorch 1.2, make sure to use pytorch 1.0 as in requirements.txt.

Online Demo

Our online demo can be found at https://steganography.live/.

Language model

Experiments in the paper use the medium (345M parameter) GPT model via pytorch_transformers. For compute reasons the default in this code base is the small version but the medium or large versions can be used by changing the model_name parameter of get_model.


The steganography algorithms implemented are:

  1. Our proposed arithmetic coding-based algorithm
  2. The Huffman algorithm from RNN-Stega: Linguistic Steganography Based on Recurrent Neural Networks
  3. The binning algorithm from Generating Steganographic Text with LSTMs

An example of encoding and decoding a message is in run_single.py. The algorithm used is determined by the mode parameter.