
Testing the git attributes features


Example, using git clean and smudge filters nb: Having played with using git clean and smudge, to protect secrets, I wouldn't recommend it, it's too easy to get it wrong... My preferred approach would be to use Mozilla SOPS with one of the providers, AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.

Either way, it may be useful for other non-secret related use cases.

When going from staging to working directory, the clean and smudge filters would be activated against the files mentioned in the filter (view the filter, in the .gitattributes file)

e.g. In this case...

*.env filter=updateApiKey

Run the following, to add the commands

(this is using local git config, could put it in global git config, if required)

git config --local filter.updateApiKey.smudge 'sed "s/{SECURE_API_KEY}/fd716224-2881-4262-952f-7802a13ea50a/"'
git config --local filter.updateApiKey.clean 'sed "s/fd716224-2881-4262-952f-7802a13ea50a/{SECURE_API_KEY}/"'

Git Smudge

“smudge” filter is run on checkout

Git Clean

“clean” filter is run when files are staged


To test, create a file, e.g. x.env, with the following content


When the file is staged and pushed, it should look like this



https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Attributes#_keyword_expansion https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2022/02/02/protect-secrets-git-cleansmudge-filter