
Primary LanguageMakefile


Simple slack webhook client, built in java. (Using no external libs)

Using json template, created on https://app.slack.com/block-kit-builder (details below)

Github Actions build

Java CI with Maven


  • main branch uses jdk 11
  • java18 branch for jdk 1.8


make help

Required ENV Properties

The app expects the following properties to be loaded from the Env

export SLACK_MESSAGE_ICON='https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/459687?s=200&v=4'

Running from the command line: (if built locally, by Maven. If not, adapt to suit)

   SLACK_MESSAGE_ICON="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/459687?s=200&v=4" \
      java -cp target/classes \
        SimpleSlackWebhookClient \
        "Talend" \
        "Load data from Member preferences" \
        "Failure" \
        "Job complete"

Run, using make (which uses mvn exec. nb: Ensure env vars are exported ,see above)

make run

# Using overridden values
make run TITLE="BLAH" SUMMARY="my-summary" MSG_TEXT="Hello-World" STATUS="failure" 

Message template

A very basic json message template is used to create the slack json message structure, using the Slack Block Kit Builder

To use, simply paste the contents of slack-message.json into the Slack Block Kit Builder, modify to suit and replace the local copy.


jenv was used locally to set the required jdk version, See .java-version


nb: There is a Slack SDK for Java, however, my requirement was to build this without the need to use external libraries.