
macos dotfiles and automation

Primary LanguageShell

macOS dotfiles

This will setup macOS the way I like it, with zsh and brew install a number of programs and the configuration I want installed.


Run ./install.sh

Once complete, open iTerm2:

  • Preferences > Profiles > Text and select Fira Code and size 14
  • Preferences > Profiles > Colors and find Color Presets... in bottom-right corner and then import init/monokai-pro-filtered.itermcolors.

Notably absent are a few packages, because I don't always install them:

  • brew install docker
  • brew install --cask burp-suite

If you only want to install homebrew packages, run:


The homebrew packages to be installed are in text files under ./lists/

To add open-in-code to finder, check their repo. Note: for Big Sur.

After everything completes, I restart the system, but a logoff may be sufficient.

