
Implementing vermongo for meteor

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Meteor Vermongo

Implementing Vermongo: https://github.com/thiloplanz/v7files/wiki/Vermongo

Github: https://github.com/micktaiwan/meteor-vermongo/

AtmosphereJS: https://atmospherejs.com/mickaelfm/vermongo

Report bugs or suggestions: https://github.com/micktaiwan/meteor-vermongo/issues

Currently provides

  • automatic versioning of collection documents, including removal
  • helper to access old versions of documents
  • option for automatic timestamping
  • option for automatic userId logging
  • option for ignoring some updated fields


    Requirements = new Mongo.Collection('requirements').vermongo({timestamps: true, userId: 'modifierId', ignoredFields: ['rank']});

    Template.requirements.onCreated(function() {

      var _id = Requirements.insert({title: "new insert with default value"});
      Requirements.update({ _id }, {$set:{title: "updated with new value !"}});



      requirements: function() {
        return Requirements.find();

      <h1>Welcome to Meteor!</h1>

      <button class="js-new">New</button>
      {{> requirements}}


    <template name="requirements">
        {{#each requirements}}
        {{> req }}

    <template name="req">
      <li>{{title}} - {{modifiedAt}} - version: {{_version}}</li>
        {{#each versions}}
        {{> version }}

    <template name="version">
      <li>{{title}} - {{modifiedAt}} - version: {{_version}}</li>

A new collection "mycollection.vermongo" will be created for each versioned collection and will store old document versions.

A collection helper "versions" is created to access old versions of the document.

On document removal, the current version is saved into the vermongo collection, and then a dummy new version is added with a special flag (as a column "_deleted" that equals to true).


  • Unit tests :)
  • undo helper