
A rust macro to prevent values of a type from being dropped.

Primary LanguageRust


This crate provides a macro to generate a Drop implementation that will not compile if it ever gets called. Such a thing is useful if you want to force a custom drop-like function to be called. This custom cleanup function can, unlike drop, 1) take additional parameters and 2) return a value.

Practical advice

The way the compile time check is implemented is by declaring a extern function and calling that in drop. The linker will try to find a definition for this function but it cannot, giving an error. If drop is never called, the external function is never called and thus does not need to be linked.

For simple examples, the compile time assertion works. It does require that the drop call is elided. That means we need fairly aggressive optimization which in turn, increases compilation time and makes it harder to debug the application. That is something I could personally live with to be sure my values are always properly cleaned up.

What we can not live with is based on these premises:

  1. realistic code usualy does something interesting in between creating a resource and cleaning it up,
  2. interesting code is very likely to have circumstances under which it will panic,
  3. during a panic, all values are dropped.

Conclusion: even if we call our custom clean up function, drop may still be called because of a panic (using ManuallyDrop defeats the purpose of prevent_drop) and thus the compiler cannot elide the call and therefore the linker will rightfully complain.

As unfortunate as it is, this means we usually will have to resort to run-time checks. There are two major strategies: panicking and aborting. Aborting leads to less code and guarantees the program does not recover, but it requires a debugger to figure out where the problem comes from. You can choose a specific strategy by using the appropriate macro or select the default strategy through one of prevent_drop's features.

Reading material


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