
CycleTls bindings in Java

Primary LanguageJava

CycleTls - Java

Simple project providing CycleTLS project bindings for java, including Browser data generation, System platform emulation and user agent generation with according JA3 fingerprint.

More info about JA3: https://github.com/salesforce/ja3

More info about CycleTls: https://github.com/Danny-Dasilva/CycleTLS


Launch the instance of CycleTls manually or from code invoking

Path path = Paths.get("path/to/cycletls/binary");
Process process = CycleTls.launch(path);

Then create channel and connect to the address of CycleTLS socket server

For async channel use

AsyncTlsChannel channel = CycleTls.createAsyncChannel();

or for sync one:

TlsChannel channel = CycleTls.createChannel();

and simply connect to socket address of launched CycleTLS

channel.connect("", 8080); //default host and port of CycleTLS socket server

Creating request

Use TlsRequestBuilder to easily create a request.

Browser browser = new ChromeBrowser();

UserAgent ua = browser.generateUserAgent();
String ja3FingerPrint = browser.getFingerprint(ua); //your ja3 fingerprint
TlsRequest request = TlsRequest.newBuilder("url", "METHOD", ja3FingerPrint)
        .requestId("youRequestId") //you need to know your request id in async environment
        .proxy("host:port") //proxy to use
        .userAgent(ua.toString()) //user agent
        .body("") //Body, if it is POST or PUT requests
        ..... //see TlsRequestBuilder.class for all params

TlsResponse response = channel.send(request); //or sendAsync if you used AsyncTlsChannel
//Or for AsyncTlsChannel
CompletableFuture<TlsResponse> futureResponse = channel.sendAsync(request);