
Official Documentation

This repository contains the official documentation of MicMac software.

The user interested on reading only the main documentation can just download the following file :

  • Documentation/DocMicMac.pdf

Specialized documentation can be found here :

  • Structureless Global Bundle Adjustment : Documentation/DocMicMac/DocMartini/DocMartini.pdf
  • Processing Corridor Geometry Acquisitions : Documentation/DocCaseCorridor/DocCaseCorridor.pdf
  • Image Processing Library : Documentation/DocMicMac/DocELISE/DocELISE.pdf
  • Perform Non-Regression Testing : Documentation/DocMicMac/DocTripleSec/DocTripleSec.pdf
  • MicMac Graphical Interface : Documentation/DocGIMMI/
  • Documentation/DocProg/

Some Useful Tutorials :

  • Image correlation by Giang NGUYEN : Documentation/Tutorials/Correlation/Image_Correlation.pdf
  • Least Square Estimation by Giang NGUYEN : Documentation/Tutorials/LSQMatching/LSQ.pdf
  • Satellite Image Processing by Ewelina RUPNIK : Documentation/Tutorials/TutoJupyter

Some charts to get used to MicMac main commands : Documentation/Useful_Commands

Some useful (.xm) file : Documentation/FilesSamples

Some useful data : Documentation/Data

Some photogrammetric datasets are available Here

Other resources :


| pdflatex | | bibtex | | Ghostscript |

To build the documentation :

git clone https://github.com/micmacIGN/Documentation.git
cd Documentation/DocMicMac/
make && make clean
