
Robot state

Setup RVIZ on QT

The commands are:

  • Run the following command for converting the QT joints from degrees to radians:
rosrun qt_robot_state 
  • Run the following command for running the RViz simulator of QTRobot:
roslaunch qt_robot_state qt_robot_state.launch

Setup RVIZ simulator of QT model

  • Run the following command for running the RViz simulator of QTRobot:
roslaunch qt_robot_state simulator_robot_state.launch

Face recognition

Setup QT for face recognition

  • Run the following command for running the nuitrack:
roslaunch nuitrack_body_tracker nuitrack_body_trackelaunch

Run the face recognition

  • Run the following command for running the tf listener:
roslaunch qt_robot_state qt_robot_state.launch
  • Run the following command for running the face recognition:
roslaunch qt_face_recognition qt_face_recognition.launch
  • Run the following command for getting the depth information from camera:
rosrun qt_face_recognition