
Unable to remap topics

adityakamath opened this issue · 4 comments

I have a micro-ROS node that is subscribing to a /cmd_vel topic. I am currently launching the node like the following from a python launch file:

            arguments=['serial', '--dev', '/dev/ttyUSB0'],
                ('/cmd_vel', '/joy_vel'),

The node runs as expected, but it still subscribes to the /cmd_vel topic, and not the /joy_vel topic. I am using ROS2 Humble and the latest micro_ros_agent

Hello, there is not support for topic remapping at micro-ROS Agent level.

Thanks for the update, its a shame, it would be really useful to have topic remapping at the micro-ROS agent level..

Sure, PRs are welcomed, please let us know if you plan to contribute.

@pablogs9 would love to contribute, I need something to work on during my winter break anyway. But I am not entirely sure where to start from, any pointers would be helpful!