
Official plugin channel for micro

Micro Official Plugin Channel

This repository contains the 'channel.json' file which lists all official micro plugins. This is where the editor looks to search for plugins to install.


Plugin Description Link 2.0 Support
comment Plugin to auto comment or uncomment lines https://github.com/micro-editor/comment-plugin ✔️ (provided by default)
snippets Provides snippets functionality https://github.com/micro-editor/updated-plugins/tree/master/micro-snippets-plugin ✔️
go Provides gofmt and goimports support for Go files https://github.com/micro-editor/go-plugin ✔️
fish Provides fishfmt support for Fish files https://github.com/onodera-punpun/micro-fish-plugin ✔️
wc Plugin to count words/characters https://github.com/adamnpeace/micro-wc-plugin ✔️
fzf Provides fzf support for opening files https://github.com/samdmarshall/micro-fzf-plugin ✔️
pony Provides auto-indentation for Pony files https://github.com/Theodus/micro-pony-plugin ✔️
editorconfig EditorConfig Support for micro https://github.com/10sr/editorconfig-micro ✔️
crystal Provides various crystal tools for crystal files https://github.com/ColinRioux/micro-crystal ✔️
gotham-colors A colorscheme for code that never sleeps in Gotham City https://github.com/novln/micro-gotham-colors ✔️ (provided by default)
misspell Plugin that corrects commonly misspelled words https://github.com/onodera-punpun/micro-misspell-plugin ✔️
monokai-dark A dark monokai colorscheme https://github.com/Theodus/micro-monokai-dark ✔️ (provided by default)
manipulator Extend text manipulation abilities https://github.com/NicolaiSoeborg/manipulator-plugin ✔️
filemanager A file manager! https://github.com/NicolaiSoeborg/filemanager-plugin ✔️
vcs Mark changed lines in Git or Mercurial repositories https://bitbucket.org/dermetfan/micro-vcs ✔️ (provided by default)
joinLines Plugin which joins selected lines or the following with the current https://github.com/Lisiadito/join-lines-plugin ✔️
bounce Plugin that implements nano-style smart home and bouncing the cursor between matching-brackets https://github.com/deusnefum/micro-bounce ✔️
quoter Plugin that allows you to add quotes or brackets around selected text https://github.com/deusnefum/micro-quoter ✔️
zigfmt Provides zig fmt integration for Zig files https://github.com/squeek502/micro-zigfmt ✔️
jlabbrev Provides backslash abbreviations from the julia prompt https://github.com/MasFlam/jlabbrev ✔️
nord-colors A set of dark and light colorschemes based on Nord https://github.com/KiranWells/micro-nord-tc-colors ✔️
autofmt Runs yapf (or other autoformatters) in place when saving files https://github.com/a11ce/micro-yapf ✔️
bookmark Bookmark lines and quickly jump between saved positions https://github.com/haqk/micro-bookmark ✔️
quickfix Adds a functionality similar to VIM quickfix pane https://github.com/serge-v/micro-quickfix ✔️
jump Jump to any function, class or heading with F4. Go, Markdown, Python, C and in 40 other languages https://github.com/terokarvinen/micro-jump ✔️
detectindent Automatically detect indentation settings https://github.com/dmaluka/micro-detectindent ✔️
lsp An basic LSP client implementation https://github.com/AndCake/micro-plugin-lsp ✔️
run F5 to save and run, F12 to 'make', F9 to 'make' in background. Go, Python, Lua and executable file (#!) supported. Can 'make' whole project even from subdir. https://github.com/terokarvinen/micro-run ✔️
palettero Command palette - Ctrl-P to fuzzy search & run commands, textfilters and descriptions. Use Python oneliners and grep to edit text. https://github.com/terokarvinen/palettero ✔️
cheat F1 cheatsheet for the language you're editing: Python, Go, Lua... https://github.com/terokarvinen/micro-cheat ✔️

Adding your own plugin

To add your own plugin, create a repo.json file containing all the metadata information for your plugin. See the Go plugin repo.json file as an example.

Then create a plugins/plugin.json file in this repository that specifies the zip file to download for the versions of micro you support. Point the zip files to the plugins release, like the other plugins, even though the zip will not exist at the time when you create the JSON file.

Then you can open a pull request which adds the link to that file to the channel.json file in this repo, and upload or provide a link to the zip files in your PR. If you PR is accepted, I will upload those zip files to the plugins release so they will be accessible to all micro users.

Please make sure to add a License to your plugin.

Updating your plugin

If you come out with a new version of your plugin, please open a PR modifying the plugins/plugin.json with your new version. Upload or provide a link to the zip file. When the update is approved I will upload this file to the plugins release.