
HTTP Uploader for pyupdater

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status PyPi version


  • server_url - add basic auth if you need it
  • data_params - additional params that will be passed with file
  • filename_param - field name for file name if your server need it

Usage Example

with codeskyblue/gohttpserver

Traefik is optional, you can export direct ports. This is just reminder of how we're doing it

$ pip install --user -U dot-tools
$ exec zsh

# if you have local packages in your `PATH`
# like: `/home/user/.local/bin/traefik_run`

$ traefik_run up -d

Then launch your web site

version: '3.9'

    image: codeskyblue/gohttpserver:1.1.0
    container_name: releases_server
    # define only if you want to have basic-auth
    command: --auth-type http --auth-http basic_auth_user:basic_auth_password
      - ./uploads:/app/public
    # you can export ports if you're not using traefik
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.releases.rule=Host(`releases.example.com`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.releases.entrypoints=web"

And put into uploads directory file .ghs.yaml:

upload: false
delete: false
- email: "cybergrind@example.com"
  delete: true
  upload: true
  token: auth_token_for_upload

And add configuration in your config.pyu

 "app_config": {
      "httpuploader-@cybergrind": {
        "server_url": "http://basic_auth_user:basic_auth_password@releases.example.com/",
        "data_params": {
          "token": "auth_token_for_upload"
        "timeout": 600,
        "filename_param": "filename"