
may need a gsheets authenticating script

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I moved test_sntc.py into tests/, and when I next tried to run the test suite (by right clicking on the rest folder in PyCharm), it appeared that a new google sheet authentication step was required

Please go to this URL and finish the authentication flow

etc., but the test script didn't pause for the next step:

Enter the authorization code:

I ran this in the PyCharm Python Shell, after cd-ing to tests\

import pygsheets
sntc_id = '1pSmxX6XGOxmoA7S7rKyj5OaEl3PmAl4jAOlROuNHrU0'
client_secret_json = "../local/client_secret.apps.googleusercontent.com.json"
gc = pygsheets.authorize(client_secret=some_google_auth_file)

Please go to this URL and finish the authentication flow: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&client_id...
Enter the authorization code: >? ...

That created a sheets.googleapis.com-python.json in tests/ and the tests continued successfully. Maybe I could have just copied the previously created sheets.googleapis.com-python.json from the project root?

Creating a sheets.googleapis.com-python.json requires a client secrets file, as defined in client_secret_json = "../local/client_secret.apps.googleusercontent.com.json" above. Neither of those should be checked into GitHub!

And or better documentation about where sheets.googleapis.com-python.json and client_secret*apps.googleusercontent.com.json need to live

Google Sheets no longer used in pipeline. Closing.