
Data validation for Golang. DV8 so your data doesn't!

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

DV8 - Data Validation for Golang


DV8 uses Golang's struct tags to validate data of struct fields. Its primary purpose is validation of data entered by an untrusted source such as an end-user. It draws inspiration from Pydantic.

type Person struct {
    First   string `dv8:"required,len<=32"`
    Last    string `dv8:"required,len<=32"`
    Age     int    `dv8:"val>=0,val<=120"`
    State   string `dv8:"len==2,default=CA,toupper"`
    Zip     string `dv8:"required,regexp ^[0-9]{5}$"`
    Country string `dv8:"required,len==2,oneof US|MX,default=US,toupper"`

p := &Person{
    First:   " Julie",  // Trim whitespaces
    Last:    "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", // Enforce length limits
    State:   "",        // Set default to "CA"
    Age:     200,       // Enforce value constraints
    Zip:     "12x45",   // Enforce a regexp pattern
    Country: "USA",     // Check against a set of valid values

err := dv8.Validate(p)
if err != nil {
    return err


DV8 recognizes the following directives:

Directive Applicable types Effect
required string, int, float, bool, time.Time, time.Duration, struct Requires a non-zero value to be provided
required *any, []any, map[any]any Requires a non-nil value to be provided
default string, int, float, bool, time.Time, time.Duration Sets a default value when the zero-value is provided
val with == or != string, int, float, bool, time.Time, time.Duration Enforces an equality constraint on the value
val with <=, <, >= or > string, int, float, time.Time, time.Duration Enforces an ordering constraint on the value
len with ==, !=, <=, <, >= or > string Enforces a constraint on the length of the string (in runes, not bytes)
oneof string Check against a set of valid values separated by a |
arrlen with ==, !=, <=, <, >= or > []any Enforces a constraint on the length of the array. A nil array will fail the condition arrlen>=0. Use required to check for nil
maplen with ==, !=, <=, <, >= or > map[any]any Enforces a constraint on the length of the map. A nil map will fail the condition maplen>=0. Use required to check for nil
regexp string Requires the string to match a regular expression
on struct, *struct Applies the directives on the named field of the struct instead of the struct itself (see below)
main any Applies the directives set on the parent struct to the field (see below)
notrim string Disables the default trimming of leading and trailing whitespaces
tolower string Transforms the string to lowercase
toupper string Transforms the string to uppercase
- any Skips the field and stops recursion into nested fields

on and main

The on directive allows pushing directives one level down into a nested field of a struct. It can be useful when the struct definition is not under your control and you cannot add field tags to it. You can push validation on only one of the fields. In more complex situations, a custom Validator or ValidatorContext interface is needed.

type Timestamp struct {
type Key struct {
    ID int
type Person struct {
    Name string
type MyData struct {
    // Require a Key with a non-zero ID
    Index   Key       `dv8:"required,on ID"`
    // Require a Timestamp with a non-zero Time 
    Expires Timestamp `dv8:"required,on Time"`
    // Set default Name of Person to "Unknown"
    Owner   Person    `dv8:"default=Unknown,on Name"`

The main directive is the mirror image of on and allows a struct to define a field on which to apply the validations that are set on the struct itself. It is useful when the struct is under your control and you can edit its field tags.

type Timestamp struct {
    time.Time `dv8:"main"`
type Key struct {
    ID int `dv8:"main"`
type Person struct {
    Name string `dv8:"main"`
type MyData struct {
    // Require a Key with a non-zero ID
    Index   Key       `dv8:"required"`
    // Require a Timestamp with a non-zero Time 
    Expires Timestamp `dv8:"required"`
    // Set default Name of Person to "Unknown"
    Owner   Person    `dv8:"default=Unknown"`

Arrays and maps

Except for the arrlen and maplen directives that apply to the array or map themselves, directives set on an array or map apply to their value items. Directives are not enforced on the key values of a map.

type Group struct {
    // Enforced on each of the (string) value items of the array
    Names []string `dv8:"len>0,len<=32"`
g := Group{
    Names: []string{"John", "Paul", ""},
err := dv8.Validate(&g)
if err != nil {
    return err // Names: [2]: length must be greater than 0
type Directory struct {
    // Enforced on each of the (string) value items of the map
    Index map[int]string `dv8:"len>0,len<=32"`
d := Directory{
    Index: map[int]string{
        0: "John",
        1: "Paul",
        2: "",
err := dv8.Validate(&d)
if err != nil {
    return err // Index: [2]: length must be greater than 0

Validator interface

The Validator interface enables types to define custom validations. DV8 calls Validate() on structs that implement the Validator interface and considers any error received as a validation error.

type Validator interface {
    Validate() error
type Rect struct {
    Top    int `dv8:"val>=0"`
    Left   int `dv8:"val>=0"`
    Right  int `dv8:"val>=0"`
    Bottom int `dv8:"val>=0"`
func (r *Rect) Validate() error {
    if r.Left >= r.Right {
        return errors.New("right must be greater than left")
    if r.Top >= r.Bottom {
        return errors.New("bottom must be greater than top")

A similar interface ValidatorContext supports custom validation with ValidateContext(ctx context.Context).

DV8, so your data doesn't!

The name DV8 is a word play on both Data Validate and deviate.


DV8 is released by Microbus LLC under the Apache 2.0 license.