
Minsta Proxy Minter implemented in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Minsta Proxy Minter NEAR Contract

This smart contract on the NEAR network is designed to handle minting functionality through proxy minters. It provides a way to mint Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) through specified minters while keeping track of the latest minter for each NFT contract.

Contract Structure


  • latest_minters: Lookup map that keeps track of the latest minter for each NFT contract ID.
  • mint: A method that takes metadata and NFT contract ID to mint NFTs, payable and callable.
  • cb_mint: A private callback method for handling successful minting.
  • get_latest_minter: A view method to get the latest minter for a given NFT contract ID.


  1. Make sure you Rust installed.
  2. Install the NEAR CLI

1. Build and Deploy the Contract

Compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running:

sh ./scripts/build

# cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

Check the neardev/dev-account file to find the address in which the contract was deployed:

cat ./neardev/dev-account
# e.g. dev-1659899566943-21539992274727

2. Minting an NFT

To mint an NFT, you will need to call the mint method. Make sure to specify the metadata and NFT contract ID:

# Use near-cli to mint an NFT
near call <dev-account> mint '{"metadata":"<metadata>","nft_contract_id":"<nft_contract_id>"}' --accountId <dev-account> --amount <amount>

3. Retrieve the Latest Minter

You can get the latest minter for a given NFT contract ID:

# Use near-cli to get the latest minter
near view <dev-account> get_latest_minter '{"nft_contract_id":"<nft_contract_id>"}'


Please replace <dev-account>, <metadata>, <nft_contract_id>, and <amount> with appropriate values as needed.

Ensure that the account calling the mint method has the necessary funds to cover the associated costs, as this is a payable function.