Extension for developing cloud-native, containerized applications from VS Code
- 0
- 0
- 0
Logs are too verbose
#35 opened by tetchel - 1
Use TreeView selection events to infer Project to run command on from Command Palette
#36 opened by tetchel - 1
- 0
- 0
Move installer to well-known location
#46 opened by tetchel - 1
Improve user feedback when creating or binding
#45 opened by tetchel - 0
- 0
Theia compatibility
#40 opened by tetchel - 2
Support for 1905 features
#32 opened by tetchel - 0
- 1
- 0
Remove unused settings
#41 opened by tetchel - 1
String templating issue with missing file error
#42 opened by tetchel - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
Disabled projects have NaN in overview
#38 opened by tetchel - 0
False error message after debugger attach
#37 opened by tetchel - 0
Refreshing connection ruins existing logs
#39 opened by tetchel - 1
Project creation
#33 opened by tetchel - 1
- 0
Revisit Refresh Connection command
#30 opened by tetchel - 1
A popup is displayed every time VSCode is opened when Microclimate is not running
#28 opened by rajivnathan - 0
- 1
- 0
Use ExtensionContext to store Microclimate connections instead of regular Configuration
#22 opened by tetchel - 1
- 0
- 1
Add changelog
#21 opened by tetchel - 4
Open Folder as Workspace doesn't work on Windows
#25 opened by tetchel - 1
Set galleryBanner colour
#23 opened by tetchel - 3
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
19.1 ID review
#14 opened by tetchel - 1
Validation error can get stuck until restart
#10 opened by tetchel - 0
Special characters are rendered wrong
#12 opened by tetchel - 0
Connection version is wrongly cached
#9 opened by tetchel - 1
- 1
Command for opening Import Project page
#11 opened by tetchel - 0
Update Generate and Validate endpoints
#6 opened by tetchel - 1
- 0
- 0
Use stack-trace package for logging
#4 opened by tetchel - 0