
Maps API demonstration website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Research details on https://goo.gl/fcP44H
Demo video in case of technical dificulties during presentation: https://youtu.be/oezVhcacp88

Project was focused na demonstration of use different map resources services through API and their potential usage during Mobile Application Development as alternative to Google Maps which can be not enough detail for certain usage.

Conclusion in this project is that if not well documented Google Maps than some mutation of OpenStreetMap(.org) like Seznam mapy (api.mapy.cz) or HERE maps which supports multiplatformity as core idea.

Project name is quibble between Map Services and teacher's login name "mapas" (Pasi Manninen), more details about course and teacher at
http://pasimanninen.com and http://student.labranet.jamk.fi/~mapas/s2017/TTOW0610/index.html#TTOW0610

Usage and extension of this project is possible under Creative Commons licence. Created by github.com/microkost and github.com/jardamp3 in 2017.