
Blog/Feed Application, build with GitHub Actions and deployed to Render.com

Primary LanguageJava

Cloudwork Micromata

What is this?

This repository is a playground to experiment with the cloud. This project started with simple GitHub Actions to automatically test, build and deploy the application to the cloud. The goal now is it to build a small feed (like Instagram) with login, registration and ChatGPT integration.

How to get startet?

View the application

The latest version of the application is available here.

Local Setup


The backend includes a lokal docker compose file to get a database up and running. Use the profile local when starting the spring application.

cd backend
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up -d
./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.profiles=local


The frontend includes an example environment file.

cd frontend
cp .env.example .env
npm ci
npm run dev