
Remove managed dependencies

melix opened this issue · 0 comments

Issue description

When generating the aggregated micronaut-platform, we can read the following warnings:

[Warning] While inlining micronaut-sql-bom-5.8.2.toml, alias 'jakarta-transaction-api' is already defined in the catalog by [micronaut-data-bom-4.9.4.toml] so it won't be imported
[Warning] While inlining micronaut-sql-bom-5.8.2.toml, alias 'jakarta-persistence-api' is already defined in the catalog by [micronaut-data-bom-4.9.4.toml] so it won't be imported

Given that micronaut-sql is a dependency of micronaut-data and that Micronaut Data already imports the Micronaut SQL BOM, the jakarta-transaction-api and jakarta-persistence-api modules should be removed from managed dependencies, and dependencies should use the mnSql catalog instead.