Pinned issues
- 5
- 7
Unresolved reference: Repository
#3258 opened by distinctdan - 0
Support multiple out parameters in stored procedures
#3257 opened by mikehearn - 0
- 1
IllegalMutationQueryException when using native "select for update" query
#3247 opened by davidgiga1993 - 0
- 0
countQuery expecting HQL while using nativeQuery = true
#3242 opened by fdittz - 7
Native image is not starting cause by `org.hibernate.bytecode.internal.bytebuddy.BytecodeProviderImpl` could not be instantiated
#3110 opened by alapierre - 0
- 0
Support CUID as @AutoPopulated @Id
#3228 opened by goeh - 1
JsonView findById triggers full table scan
#3225 opened by AaronTacke - 4
jpa findall method get org.hibernate.sql.ast.SqlTreeCreationException: Could not locate TableGroup
#3204 opened by laifugroup - 3
Schema Generate doesn't work
#3177 opened by Soromeister - 4
Repository code running in another thread doesn't see changes made from test code
#3058 opened by Nahuel92 - 0
- 0
Map Duration to Oracle's INTERVAL type
#3202 opened by mikehearn - 1
Make `saveAll` use batch inserts
#3193 opened by ritratt - 0
Remove managed dependencies
#3188 opened by melix - 0
- 0
Page.empty() is still broken
#3179 opened by eahrold - 4
Returned Page number incorrect
#3172 opened by FrogDevelopper - 7
Native Query for Mongo
#3169 opened by tucker-eventpipe - 4
[MongoDB] ByteArray is stored as an Array instead of Binary since 4.9.4
#3165 opened by svilen-todorov - 2
Migrating from 4.2.4 to 4.6.3 results in no identity returned from RuntimePersistentEntity.getIdentity()
#3166 opened by rlubke - 0
Add support for groupBy clauses
#3163 opened by MaheshAravindV - 1
Support different JsonMapper for different datasources
#3161 opened by robsigler - 2
How to use CursoredPageable on a Controller?
#3147 opened by radovanradic - 0
Attribute converter is not used in MANY_TO_MANY mappings
#3143 opened by nilols - 1
- 1
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- 4
Micronaut Data JPA Specifications with Projections
#3105 opened by karolbryzgiel - 0
- 0
Regression saving a Map type in Mongo DB causes an exception in 4.5+, but not in 4.4.3
#3128 opened by tucker-eventpipe - 2
findBy..ForUpdate not Working
#3117 opened by joaquindiez - 1
Error saving BigDecimal with too many diggits
#3129 opened by tucker-eventpipe - 1
Using CriteriaBuilder with embedded IDs
#3125 opened by casey-marshall-yolabs - 7
JPA composite keys in GraalVM native image not working - `@IdClass` has no persistent properties
#3118 opened by alapierre - 7
Overriding findAll() results in exception
#3096 opened by volgin - 0
Support change notification
#3102 opened by mikehearn - 0
- 0
Docs: typo in javadoc for @Transactional
#3098 opened by mikehearn - 2
Micronaut Data JDBC Criteria API upper and lower methods are not working correctly.
#3092 opened by ralmeida7 - 1
Regression in like queries between 4.8.5 and 4.9.0
#3093 opened by rlubke - 0
Micronaut to support Spring Batch jobs
#3082 opened by LeeladharSenger - 5
- 1
- 0
Cannot query pageable with join criteria
#3052 opened by radovanradic - 0
Cursored pagination doesn't work with DTO projections
#3050 opened by bivapa - 0
Predicate builder doesn't work with cursored pagination
#3056 opened by bivapa