A repository for Micronaut and GraphQL integrations
Pinned issues
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Dependency Dashboard
#277 opened by renovate - 1
- 2
- 0
- 0
Del @Deprecated GraphQL
#508 opened by sdelamo - 5
GraphQL fields are always null
#253 opened by patrickdronk - 2
ServerRequestContext.currentRequest() is empty when enable-automatic-context-propagation: true
#495 opened by vad3x - 1
Graphql Schema doesn't populate if Serde Processor is not available in dependency
#462 opened by rahulkhanna2 - 2
- 3
`@RequestScope` doesn't work when resolving fields of >2nd level in the query
#483 opened by maxkomarychev - 0
Micronaut graphql(io.micronaut.graphql:4.1.0) returns empty list as null where in version 3.2.0 it was giving an empty array.
#487 opened by vikas-shrivastav-mns - 1
Support @Refreshable
#485 opened by johndevs - 3
Apollo GraphQL Federation support
#398 opened by tzejohn - 1
Upgrade bundled GraphiQL to version 2
#335 opened by HelLViS69 - 2
Update GraphiQL default version
#262 opened by frisi - 4
- 1
Support for Micronaut serialization in addition to existing Jackson Databinding
#357 opened by ianibo - 2
No bean introspection available for type [class io.micronaut.configuration.graphql.GraphQLRequestBody]
#426 opened by kluivert-queiroz - 1
#120 opened by oo00spy00oo - 3
Graphql WS with new graphql-ws protocol
#301 opened by phanx164 - 0
Upgrade org.graalvm.nativeimage:svm library
#391 opened by msupic - 1
Add support for GraphQL v20
#334 opened by HelLViS69 - 3
- 1
Suport for multiple GraphQL Endpoints
#295 opened by dobe - 1
Support for namespacing
#360 opened by joshfoeh - 0
Rename all `graphql-ws` related classes
#302 opened by Goldmensch - 1
- 0
Migrate to new configuration ascidoc macro
#337 opened by wetted - 0
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Access User/Roles in GraphQL
#264 opened by frisi - 0
Security Example configuration is old
#282 opened by sdelamo - 1
Support for pass HTTP Headers in Graphiql
#228 opened by RohitUNC - 0
Update micronaut-graphql build to new infrastructure
#236 opened by sdelamo - 1
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The {graphqlPath} in index.html for graphiql does not take context-path into account
#168 opened by lucaslilja - 0
Release a new version compatible with Micronaut 3.0
#195 opened by ilopmar - 0
Is there any way to add cookie to the response?
#98 opened by donbeave - 2
How to get HTTP request headers?
#156 opened by tuanlt2 - 1
GraphQL Dependency conflict
#175 opened by fabienmifsud - 0
Add some tests to examples
#187 opened by rickq - 0
- 2
Fails to parse valid Apollo subscription messages which contain extensions field
#75 opened by sekoyo - 1
Graal Support
#119 opened by limcheekin - 3
Upgrade to Micronaut 2.0 rollback?
#94 opened by ilopmar - 8
In the last release the updated build released example projects to central and bintray
#104 opened by graemerocher - 0
Remove the release history section which is currently in GraphQL Introduction section and point to Github releases
#95 opened by sdelamo - 9
Add example of using DataLoader
#41 opened by benmccann - 6
GraphiQL doesn't work with Mirconaut 2.0.0-M3
#42 opened by benmccann - 0
GraphQLWsController is heavy on logs
#33 opened by weisheme - 4
Upgrade graphql-java dependency
#30 opened by gklijs