
Base docker image for golang building environment

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

This repo is DEPRECATED. Use https://github.com/spacetab-io/docker-images-golang instead.


Images for docker containers:

  • Lint environment container is for lint golang app source code. Uses golangci-lint to lint code with custom config.
  • Test environment container is for testing golang app. Has all things to test golang sources with go test.
  • Build environment container is for building golang app. Has all things to build golang app with go modules.
  • Base environment container is for running golang app. Has all things to run binaries in formalized application structure. Exposes 8080 port and run service command: /app/bin/service. Only thing you must do is copy binaries, Makefile (if needed), migrations (if needed) and application default configuration.


Common usage application Dockerfile:

FROM microparts/docker-golang-lint:latest as lint-env

COPY . /app
RUN make lint

# ----

FROM microparts/docker-golang-test:latest as test-env

# copy downloaded deps
COPY --from=lint-env ${GOPATH}/pkg/mod ${GOPATH}/pkg/mod

COPY . /app
RUN make test

# ----

FROM microparts/docker-golang-build:latest as build-env

# copy downloaded deps
COPY --from=lint-env ${GOPATH}/pkg/mod ${GOPATH}/pkg/mod

COPY . /app
RUN make all

# ----

FROM microparts/docker-golang-base:latest

COPY --from=build-env /app/bin/*                  /app/bin/
COPY --from=build-env /app/Makefile               /app/
COPY --from=build-env /app/migrations/*           /app/migrations/
COPY --from=build-env /app/configuration/defaults /app/configuration/defaults

If private packages are used, build it with Dockerfile below and command: docker build -t <imagename>:<tag> --build-arg TOKEN="$(cat ~/.ci-token)" --build-arg PRIVATE_REPO="private.repo.url" .

FROM microparts/docker-golang-test:latest as test-env

RUN git config --global url."https://ci-token:${TOKEN}@${PRIVATE_REPO}/".insteadOf 'https://${PRIVATE_REPO}/'

COPY . /app
RUN make test