Old port of MicroPython to the ESP32 -- new port is at https://github.com/micropython/micropython
- 50R47
- ArmstrongYang
- ats777
- Bendito999
- bendlEngland
- billyrayvalentine
- bwhitmannew thing, was @ourcanopy @spotify @echonest
- chaeplinSouth Korea
- chickentechHarrisburg, Pennsylvania
- ciherraizGranada Spain
- cod3r-devLocalHost
- cwyark@Adlink-ROS
- debrouwereGhent, Belgium
- dglaude
- geekscapeGeekscape Pty. Ltd.
- hoihu
- houhl
- iPASThailand
- joostdUtrecht, the Netherlands
- l33tllamaLeo Febey Tech
- li-shuyan
- madcowmoomoo
- MartyMacGyverGreater Seattle Area, WA, USA
- mkarlinerModern Industry Ltd
- mkol5222Prague, Czech Republic
- negativekelvin
- nishimotzShuaruta Inc.
- nubcore@nubcore
- ron-c
- Roosted7Delft University of Technology
- spac3-monk3y
- SteinrikBergen, Norway
- tannewt@chickadee-tech
- timonskuDiodes Delight
- universestu
- yschaeff