
$CALLSTACK and $CALLER in Debugger Trace points

RobertvanderHulst opened this issue · 4 comments

If you set a debugger tracepoint and include the $CALLSTACK token, then the output windows shows the current callstack.
For our language, the assembly name and member names are shown, but not the class name.
For example

for a member Foo in the class MyNs.Bar in the assembly MyAsm the output window shows:
where I expected to see

I see the same problem for the $CALLER token. This gets shown as Foo and not MyNs.Bar.Foo.
The $FUNCTION token however does include the namespace, classname, member name and parameter list.

Where does the debugger get the name from for the $CALLER and $CALLSTACK tokens?
I have implemented IVsLanguageDebugInfo in our language service and the GetNameOfLocation() of method, but that does not seem to get called.

Have you implemented an expression evaluator? If not, those strings will be coming from the default expression evaluator. I am guessing you have a .NET-based language? If so, the default is the C# expression evaluator and I believe will obtain the class/method names from metadata.

IVsLanguageDebugInfo is not used for all that much. From what I recall, GetNameOfLocation is used get the names of methods to display in the breakpoints window when a breakpoint isn't bound yet. There may be a few other uses that I am not thinking of, but 98% of the information that the debugger shows about the target program are going to come from the debugger rather than the language service.

@gregg-miskelly Yes, we have implemented an expression evaluator (also based on the Roslyn expression evaluator).
Do you have any idea which method / property is called to retrieve these values ?
I see that GetNameOfLocation is called and also GetProximityExpressions. We have implemented both and they work. We see the names of the methods and the autos window is also filled.

I would expect it to call IDkmLanguageInstructionDecoder.GetFrameName with DkmFrameFormatOptions.ArgumentFlags=DkmVariableInfoFlags.None and DkmFrameFormatOptions.FrameNameFormat=DkmFrameNameFormatOptions.Module

Thanks, that helped.
