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Announcement: New releases of C# vsdbg
#90 opened by gregg-miskelly - 1
Language not registering when calling DkmLanguage.Create(), language in stack frames showing as "Unknown"
#119 opened by d11mphillips - 2
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Filtering custom runtimes with cppvsdbg in VSCode
#116 opened by int19h - 0
Feature request - add Interfaces for all DKM for easier testing and mocking
#115 opened by amir-tepper - 0
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.Net 8 problems
#112 opened by netcompany-runeviumsondergaard - 1
Is it possible to run certain threads when Debug Engine stopped in "break mode"?
#111 opened by Oxdeadc0de - 3
Obtaining debug symbol paths from options
#110 opened by BigEvilCorporation - 1
Instructions in code are not correct.
#105 opened by Dave-Lowndes - 1
IEnumerable Visualizer shows properties that are marked with attribute to hide them in the debugger
#108 opened by RobertvanderHulst - 6
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Debugging instructions may need clarification with the latest VS 2022 & Child Process Power Tool since I couldn't get it to work
#106 opened by Dave-Lowndes - 0
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Breaking changes
#102 opened by gregg-miskelly - 0
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Feature request: Allow other .NET languages to participate in Edit and Continue/Hot Reload
#99 opened by RobertvanderHulst - 4
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Unable to use IrisExtension following the wiki
#97 opened by abonie - 0
Debugger UI integration
#96 opened by RobertvanderHulst - 6
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Adding code showing how to add Child items
#84 opened by omascia - 0
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How to add a custom VisualizerId?
#81 opened by jerishC - 2
How can I add a new struct and use different Visualizer to show up it and FILETIME?
#82 opened by falling-light - 2
debugging extensions failed. devenv.exe has triggered a breakpoint.(Frame not in moudle)
#80 opened by jerishC - 0
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vsdconfig.xsd gets added to projects when adding Microsoft.VSSDK.Debugger.VSDConfigTool package
#74 opened by gregg-miskelly - 3
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Debug launch argument fails with spaces in path
#70 opened by akbyrd - 1
CppCustomVisualizer doesn't work when building x64 config (following instructions)
#71 opened by akbyrd - 2
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How to filter for my custom project?
#60 opened by igadmg - 0
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Component with WorkerProcessSupported="true" is not being loaded into remote msvsmon process
#62 opened by WheretIB - 0
Is is actually possible to perform function evaluation in IDkmRuntimeBreakpointNotification?
#61 opened by WheretIB - 14
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HelloWorld Cs sample no longer converts vsdconfigxml to vsdconfig in VS 2019 Community
#58 opened by WheretIB - 5
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visx project fails to load
#56 opened by Ma-XX-oN - 3
How to use IDkmCustomMessageForwardReceiver?
#55 opened by igadmg - 3