- 2
- 2
CreateProcessAsUserW cannot be hooked under windows 10 or windows 11, but windows server 2019 work well
#328 opened by elvis-sun - 1
- 0
Samples Issue with detours.h under Visual Studio
#329 opened by kamyers1 - 2
DetourCreateProcessWithDlls Injected DLL being unloaded almost immedietly once called, but DetourCreateProcessWithDllExA is fine
#327 opened by Arefu - 0
Add support for `ARM64EC` processor architecture
#324 opened by abique - 1
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'detours.lib' --> Issue while Building
#322 opened by AbishekPonmudi - 1
Calling DetourCreateProcessWithDllsW crashes .NET applications compiled for Any-CPU
#301 opened by zucler - 1
- 6
- 1
Is it possible to unload a user DLL from a process created by the DetourCreateProcessWithDllEx function?
#317 opened by XiaopengZHOU - 3
- 1
Hooking inline function
#303 opened by djn3m0 - 1
Unable to hook winsock2 recv()
#315 opened by rayzorben - 1
<BUG>crash on jmp addr?
#309 opened by swordno - 12
Using Detours if either the .exe or the .dll is within a directory with unicode characters?
#283 opened by sp00n - 0
return value of 'main()'
#298 opened by gvanem - 0
- 0
Incorrect Behaviour: Arm64 CopyLdrLiteral rewrites Prefetch as Memory Read, which can Trash a Potentially Used Register
#306 opened by Sewer56 - 5
Hook unexported functions
#302 opened by djn3m0 - 6
- 4
NMAKE failing at the end.
#287 opened by layer07 - 0
- 6
- 1
- 0
`detour_sign_extend` is implemented incorrectly
#296 opened by valco1994 - 0
Wiki is missing sample tracessl
#294 opened by plazarre - 0
- 1
NMAKE failed
#288 opened by maolike - 0
Hook on return
#284 opened by djn3m0 - 0
Unexpected Behavior: DLL loading error when recursively calling a mix of 32-bit and 64-bit subprocesses
#282 opened by kevintsq - 0
Detours throws
#278 opened by danielbodorin - 1
- 0
hooking HeapAlloc in multi-thread triggers exception if there is thread_local variable used in hooked function
#271 opened by ElvisJazz - 0
- 0
Bug: DetourOpenBinary doesn't accept valid PEs because of incorrect limit on sections
#268 opened by mikewintersjr - 0
Divide by zero in 'cping.cpp'
#267 opened by gvanem - 2
- 0
- 0
DetourAttach ERROR
#262 opened by kouzhudong - 0
- 6
Exception upon hooking the API GetKeyboardState
#250 opened by derricck - 5
Is possible to trace all WINAPI calls a process does?
#252 opened by R3uan3 - 0
- 2
Is it safe to detach/attach multiple times?
#253 opened by R3uan3 - 1
[bugs]ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED when ConnectNamedPipe in syelogd if there are lots of clients
#241 opened by fishjam - 1
Hooking DefWindowProcW Chrome
#243 opened by Momoshikin - 4
- 0
ARM64 is detour_does_code_end_function correct?
#238 opened by DavidXanatos - 0
#231 opened by wineggdrop