SPADE: State Space Augmented Transformer

This PyTorch package implements the language modeling experiments in Efficient Long Sequence Modeling via State Space Augmented Transformer . For Hugging Face Transformers-style implementation for fine-tuning experiments, refer to this repo.


  • The package runs on PyTorch v1.11.0 with CUDA 11.3. Note that installation of CUDA and cuDNN are required.
  • Our implementation requires fairseq v0.11+.


  • Download fairseq. Place spade-modules/ in the downloaded directory.

    • If training of S4 is desirable (see instructions), replace fairseq/ with the provided file. Specifically, we modified the function to add separate S4 parameter groups.
  • Run pip install -e . to install fairseq locally.

  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies.

  • Our implementation requires computing the Cauchy kernel. Note that spade-modules/ largely depends on this file. There are two possible ways:

    • (Recommended) Install PyKeOps using pip install pykeops.
    • Download the extensions/ folder from this repo, and place the downloaded folder to spade-modules/extensions/. Run python install within spade-modules/extensions/cauchy/ to install the CUDA kernel.


  • Follow the instructions here to pre-process wikitext-103 data. Run bash to train a SPADE model.

  • Empirically, we can initialize the S4 module and then freeze its parameters during training. We find that training the S4 parameters only provides marginal performance gain.

  • Learning rates of S4 parameters are specified using the --s4-lr argument, which is a dictionary containing three keys: A, B and dt. Each key can use three types of values:

    • null means the parameter uses the same learning rate as model parameters;
    • 0.0 means the parameter is not trained;
    • float (>0.0) specifies a learning rate.


Contact Information

For personal communication related to this package, please contact Simiao Zuo (, Xiaodong Liu (, or Jian Jiao (


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Please cite the following paper if you use this package:

  title={Efficient Long Sequence Modeling via State Space Augmented Transformer},
  author={Zuo, Simiao and Liu, Xiaodong and Jiao, Jian and Charles, Denis and Manavoglu, Eren and Zhao, Tuo and Gao, Jianfeng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.08136},