Issue in reproducing evaluation results with sparse rcnn checkpoint
ihjasahammedm opened this issue · 2 comments
First of all thank you for releasing the code and ckpts.
I am not able to reproduce the results using config file "" and it's corresponding checkpoint given in readme. The code itself is showing that there is mismatches in state dictionary.
For this to run I also had to update the line 1 in config from _base_ = '../_base_/'
to _base_ = '../_base_/models/'
The metrics obtained are very low and close to zero!
Following is the command I used to run the evaluation:
python tools/ configs/focalnet/ ckpts/focalnet_tiny_lrf_sparsercnn_3x.pth --eval bbox
Following is mAP values obtained:
Could you please look into this and let me know if I am doing something wrong here?
thanks for your interest!
I will take a look on it.
I think in the config section there are no configs relevant to modulation based bbox_head. The one you have evaluated is attention based one. Those files are missing!