
Will you publish the DINO based model that achieved SOTA on COCO?

ronslos opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, thanks for the interesting and insightful work!
Will you publish code and weights for the DINO based model that achieves SOTA on COCO detection?

thanks for your interest, yes, we will release the large, xlarge and huge models shortly.

HI, @ronslos , we just released the large, xlarge and huge ckpts pretrained on imagenet-22k. Give it a try!

@jwyang , could you please release them for object detection?

Hi, @YChunag , I will release the od pretrained ckpts at some points soon.

Please refer to this repo for the object detection with our FocalNet:

Hello, Thank you for sharing your work.
I wanted to know if the above mentioned models for Object detection has been released.

Hi, @jwyang!
Will you combine the FocalNet: into this main repo?