
Script to collects system configuration information for diagnosing Microsoft Networking

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

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Get-NetView is a tool that collects local system and network configuration data, to streamline diagnosis of Windows networking issues.


PowerShell Gallery

To install this module from PowerShell Gallery, run:

Install-Module Get-NetView -SkipPublisherCheck -Force

It is also part of MSFT.Network.Diag, which can be installed with:

Install-Module MSFT.Network.Diag

Disconnected or air-gapped systems

If your servers are disconnected or air-gapped, use:

Save-Module Get-NetView C:\SomeFolderPath

Then move the Get-NetView folder (from C:\SomeFolderPath) to C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules on your target server.

Direct Execution

This script also supports direct execution:

Invoke-WebRequest "aka.ms/Get-NetView" -OutFile "Get-NetView.ps1"
.\Get-NetView.ps1 -OutputDir .\

If blocked by execution policy:

Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File  .\Get-NetView.ps1 -OutputDir .\


To begin data collection, simply run:


The output is saved to Desktop\msdbg.<username>, and can be inspected with any file manager. On completion, a .zip file is created for easy sharing.

For additional help and advanced options, run:

Get-Help Get-NetView

This tool is also run automatically by Get-SDDCDiagnosticInfo by including the -IncludeGetNetView parameter.

⭐ More by the Microsoft Core Networking team

Find more from the Core Networking team using the MSFTNet topic.

To see all modules from the Microsoft Core Networking team, use:

Find-Module -Tag MSFTNet


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