Getting Started with GitHub in Visual Studio

Welcome to the Intro to GitHub in Visual Studio GitHub repository! We’re excited to take you along with us as we learn all about the source control.

Here, you'll find a 5-part series of lessons and challenges to get you started using GitHub in Visual Studio!

Note The content in this repo is part of a free, 5-part e-mail series that will teach you something new every week. The e-mails include introductions to the content in these lessons. If you came here directly and haven't signed up for the e-mails, you can do that here


To use this curriculum on your own, go into the numbered folders to access the lessons and projects. This series is designed to take 4 weeks, about 1 week per lesson, but feel free to complete it at your own pace.


Lesson Learning Objectives
01 Welcome to the Intro to GitHub in Visual Studio Series Introduction to Git and GitHub
02 Accessing Code in the Cloud with GitHub Access code in the cloud by cloning to your local machine
03 Viewing Your Revision History in Visual Studio View revision history in Visual Studio with the Git repository window
04 Syncing your Code to the Cloud Sync your code to the cloud by pushing your commits
05 Daily Workflow with GitHub in Visual Studio and Next Steps Learn how to integrate GitHub into your daily workflow

Help Resources

There's a few places you can go for help and more information on the topics covered in this repository.


How to leave feedback

To leave us feedback on this learning series, please fill out our survey or file an issue in this repository.

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