
Jigsaw Dataset: Natural language to Python Pandas code

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Jigsaw Datasets

The datasets folder contains the two datasets described in our paper -

1.) PandasEval1 - This dataset was collected by authors of the paper and consists of 68 entries

2.) PandasEval2 - This dataset was collected in the form of a hackathon user study across two sessions differentiating tasks. Each task contains multiple sets with minor variations such as scalar/constant differences. Some tasks might have semantically different sets. It comprises of 21 unique tasks, and for every task at most 5 variations/sets. For each set there are multiple natural language variations leading to a total of 725 entries.

Both of these jsons follow the structure as described below.

  • The outermost level contains key-value pairs with the unique task id.
  • For each task, we have key-value pairs for the various sets in the task.
  • For each set, we have
    • a list of queries along with user-ids who wrote those queries
    • one or more io examples. Each io example is a dict containing
      • code snippet for inputs
      • code snippet for output
      • corresponding names for inputs and outputs
    • one or more correct solutions

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 author = {Jain, Naman and Vaidyanath, Skanda and Iyer, Arun and Natarajan, Nagarajan and Parthasarathy, Suresh and Rajamani, Sriram and Sharma, Rahul},
 title = {Jigsaw: Large Language Models meet Program Synthesis},
 booktitle = {ICSE 2022},
 location = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania},