- 18
- 0
- 0
- 0
#72 opened by BlackTea-c - 2
while install ms mpi.exe,i found i don't have include or lib file,what should i do
#70 opened by sky2future - 3
Tag 10.1.2 here
#55 opened by isuruf - 1
- 0
Add ARM64 binaries
#66 opened by hmartinez82 - 1
Immediate barrier not completed on all ranks when interleaved with point to point communication
#35 opened by AndrewGaspar - 0
MPI collective functions tuning parameters?
#63 opened by binhudakhalid - 0
- 3
#9 opened by trmcnealy - 0
- 0
Unable to open MPIHelloWorld project
#60 opened by torhans - 0
MS-MPI hangs in MPI_Finalize() inside DLL.
#59 opened by gkarpa - 1
mpiexec missing in pacman msmpi
#57 opened by chandreshiit - 1
Request: Fortran mpi_f08 support
#56 opened by scivision - 0
- 2
Conda Recipe?
#50 opened by RyanMcCarthy-NOAA - 3
- 0
Link warnings
#52 opened by ryagal - 1
How to generate MpiTraceEvents.h header?
#51 opened by MiZhangWhuer - 2
How to include MSMPI in VsCode?
#13 opened by 543877815 - 1
MS-MPI uninstaller doesn't delete msmpi.dll
#42 opened by mablanchard - 0
WDK build dependency
#48 opened by albertziegenhagel - 2
[VERSION] Microsoft-MPI
#43 opened by MVoz - 1
- 1
[BuildArchitecture x64] failed
#40 opened by MVoz - 0
MPI_Recv fails with Out of Memory
#38 opened by bharatr - 0
- 1
check version?
#36 opened by Foadsf - 0
Multi-rail InfiniBand
#34 opened by tbiedert - 1
MPICH ABI compatibility
#30 opened by simonbyrne - 11
- 0
mpi.f90 module uses non-conformant integer representation leading to error with gfortran
#33 opened by letmaik - 10
10.0 not usable in MSYS/mingw64 with gfortran
#7 opened by letmaik - 1
- 0
- 1
Add uninstall flag to MSMPI installer
#4 opened by jithinjosepkl - 0
- 4
mpif.h header uses non-conformant integer representation leading to error with gfortran
#14 opened by letmaik - 0
Build errors with MSMPI_NO_SAL
#6 opened by jithinjosepkl - 0
Calling MPI_Cancel do not guarantee MPI_Wait to return in MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE mode
#18 opened by sdebionne - 2
Problem with MPI_File_set_view
#17 opened by MrSmile - 3
- 2
- 0
Add continuous integration
#8 opened by letmaik - 0
vcpkg full integration
#2 opened by cenit