
Here are some resources that you may find helpful when creating a video to answer a Microsoft Q&A

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Have you ever searched online for a solution to a tech problem that you have, and wished that you could have easily gotten the answer from a short video instead of having to comb through countless pages?

We feel the same, and YOU can now make a difference.

Call for Content Creators

Short sizzle reels or trailers addressing frequently asked questions on Microsoft Q&A played can help our community learn better. There is a new mantra in learning and that's "show, don't tell".

👉 We are inviting you to partner with us to create a no-longer than 2 minute content to address a frequently asked question found on any of our Microsoft forums like Microsoft Q&A, and Power Platform Community.

Creating your content

Before you start, here's what you need to note.

  1. Visit Microsoft Q&A or Microsoft Power Platform Community Forum
    • Start by combing through the questions and the tags to find questions that are frequently asked, in the topic that you are passionate about.
    • New! We have list the most frequently asked questions based on tags, as well as questions that fellow community have submitted. You can find them in the discussions tab.
  2. Once you decide on the question to address and answer, it's time to create your video. Provide a screen recording with the requirements below.
  3. Complete Call for Content form to inform us to submit your content.
    Please note that submissions are subjected to Microsoft Q&A's team approval. Creators with shortlisted submissions will be notified via email before content is published on the site.

Once your submission is approved, we will work with you to produce the video. We'll take care of production so that you can focus on creating great content. You will amplify the final video on Microsoft Q&A and other forums with similar threads and questions.

For all questions, please see the Q&A section in the discussions tab.


  • Video of the screen captures in the format 1920 x 1080
    • Ensure that there are no private and vital information e.g. IP addresses, URLs etc.
    • Provide instructions (ex: blur, highlight) with the timestamp so our producers will be able to make the proper edits.
  • Make sure we can ear you clearly. All submission are in English. If you prefer not to speak, make sure to provide a script.
  • Complete Call for Content form to inform us to submit your content.

Creator's resources

Here are some resources that you may find helpful.

Samples & Example

Have a look the content already publish to give you an idea of what the video will look like:

Screen Capture

Provide us with a screen recording of how you would address the answer to the question. Because we want the videos to look as consistent as possible, you should take note of the following:

  1. Make sure it's in the format 1920 x 1080, .mp4 preferred.
  2. Do not zoom-in or move your mouse cursor to highlight something. This should be part of your instructions.

Have a look at this screen capture and you may noticed how the cursor stays still.

Script (Optional)

We also provide you the option providing us a script along with your video. While we know this may be more laborious but this may also reduce the likelihood of clarifications back and forth that we may eventually have with you. The script also provide you the opportunity to think through your narrative, conceptualizing your video. For example,

  1. what should our voice-over professional read to match your recording;
  2. what are the the instructions for the video editor to highlight part of the screen when it make sense (example, highlight line 31 in the code when explanations are provided).

Have a look at the script used in the creation of the video. (It's a Word document.) Template script for your use and to plan out your thought process.

Other references


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When you submit a pull request, a CLA bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., status check, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.


Stephane Lapointe
Stephane Lapointe

💬 🖋

💬 🖋
Zaid Zaim
Zaid Zaim

💬 🖋