
Cannot switch from XRHands to Controllers

sab0rg opened this issue · 1 comments

sab0rg commented

There seems to be a bug in the XRInputModalityManager class which is meant to toggle between active controller types.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create an empty 3D Unity-template project
  2. Import XR Interaction Toolkit 2.4.3 + Starter Assets
  3. Import XR Hands 1.2.1 + HandVisualizer
  4. Import XR Plugin Management
  5. Project Settings: XR Plug-in Management = OpenXR ... enable Meta Quest Support, Meta Hand Tracking Aim, Hand Tracking Subsystem
  6. Open HandsDemoScene from XRInteractionTooklit/2.4.3/HandsInteractionDemo/Runtime
  7. Build and run on Quest 2
    -- end of setup --
  8. Move controllers, See them move in VR
  9. Place controllers idly on the table, See hands appear in VR
  10. Pick up controllers

Expected state:

  • Controllers appear in VR as in step 8.

Actual state:

  • Controllers' raycast stay locked in virtual space, No controller mesh visible, Only locomotion via joystick works

Particularly the onDeviceChange function seems to incorrectly handle the assignment of device type back to controllers:


Issue related to a post by @imjusthere in #11525

This bug is not related to MRTK. Please follow-up with Unity