- 2
- 0
#727 opened by Ayobando225 - 0
- 0
Incomplete bytes read: 208, expected: 791752241
#688 opened by sapan-gs - 7
Support for .net core
#666 opened by SarcoZ - 0
- 2
Static method collectAndServe failed for class org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonRDD
#698 opened by k2moz - 0
WordCount example in "DEBUG" mode not working.
#696 opened by abhisheksreesaila - 0
Error running build.cmd in Windows 7
#693 opened by subt13 - 0
Incorrect MarkDown syntax in API Documentation
#692 opened by andrewjw1995 - 7
Build.cmd Setup Issues
#658 opened by mtcoope - 1
Serialization issues with Mono 5
#689 opened by purefunkce - 0
Custom Input Partitioning
#691 opened by kngine-rash - 2
error using sparkclr-submit debug mode
#690 opened by MrComic - 0
Method not found: 'System.AppDomainSetup System.AppDomain.get_SetupInformation()'.
#687 opened by mybmw123 - 0
mobius project updating
#686 opened by ChenLongxi666 - 0
Read From JDBC and write to Cassandra
#685 opened by joaocepa94 - 1
- 0
RegisterTempTable not found by compiler
#684 opened by kvansaders - 3
Local Environment Spark + SparkCLR Installer?
#683 opened by kvansaders - 0
Submitting a 32-bit application to Spark
#681 opened by LesiaCM - 1
.NET Core Support
#680 opened by ircberg - 0
- 3
- 0
./ not giving any output
#677 opened by edhalsim - 0
- 2
How to specify date when creating a dataframe
#662 opened by dylangmiles - 1
- 5
How to initialize sparkContext class in C#
#674 opened by SatishkumarJha - 0
how to use all JDBC methods i have an issue when i am trying to use sparkSession.Read().Jdbc(string url,string table, string columnName, string loweBound, string upperBound, int numPArtitions, Dictionary(string, string) connectionProperties)
#672 opened by jayprajapati857 - 1
- 0
How to set Spark storage level to DISK_ONLY
#670 opened by jayprajapati857 - 7
SparkContext causes failed status in YARN cluster mode
#669 opened by im281 - 5
Sample streaming code execution errors
#659 opened by hongjiedai - 1
- 1
Running Pi example
#667 opened by rwforest - 1
Decimal data type not implemented
#663 opened by dylangmiles - 1
User defined struct function not supported yet
#664 opened by dylangmiles - 1
Calling a Spark JAR
#665 opened by jerschmidt14 - 1
"No remote sparkclr jar found"
#661 opened by jayprajapati857 - 1
Issues with Build.cmd - cannot find Examples.sln
#660 opened by j4m355 - 2
No updates from last 2 months
#657 opened by vjarora1978 - 3
- 8
Constructor failed for class org.apache.spark.api.csharp.CSharpR DD when called with 9 parameters
#655 opened by csetzkorn - 2
Loading json from AWS S3 results in " No FileSystem for scheme: s3" error
#656 opened by janosfk - 4
Getting error with Spark Streaming from Kafka
#654 opened by rmattos - 1
How to use Option "eventhubs.filter.offset" ?
#653 opened by gepolv - 3
- 1
GraphFrames support
#650 opened by MrStepson - 1
Reading file from local file system
#649 opened by im281