
What is MonocleAI?

Bugs and hidden flaws in software can result in security vulnerabilities which can cause a system compromise. Today many of the vulnerabilities are caught manually by developers either based on user reports, testing, or sifting through the warnings generated by static analyzers. We introduce MonocleAI, an AI bug detection and fixing platform where we use AI & ML techniques to learn from previous vulnerabilities to discover and fix future software defects before they cause software failures.

Upon installation, the app will send your repo information to our bug detection service. Our service analyzes your code and generates GitHub Issues and Pull Requests when we can find a fix for the detected problem. Each time a new pull request is merged with the repo, our service will repeat the analysis on the code base to find new issues. If you installed the app and did not receive any issues or PRs, please contact us.

Please note that this App is offered in a Preview mode, therefore the behavior and features of the app may change in the near future.

By installing this app you agree to our license terms.

Have a Question?

If you have any questions or concerns, please create a Github issue on this repository or email us at