Deploying an app through github actions workflow, Oryx issu.
russmann2000 opened this issue · 1 comments
Bug Report
At what date and time did you most recently experience the problem? 3/174/2024 SEVERAL TIMES A DAY
Where did you experience the problem? Deploying my app through github actions workflow
If your repo is publicly available please share its URL: No
What happened? My web app did not deploy
What did you expect or want to happen? I expected it to deploy
How can we reproduce it? I have no idea
Do you have log output? Log Details
Commit ID: ab04b6f1-6cf1-4fd0-9f07-29162d59af24
5:12:22 PM
Updating submodules.
5:12:23 PM
Preparing deployment for commit id 'ab04b6f1-6'.
5:12:23 PM
PreDeployment: context.CleanOutputPath False
5:12:24 PM
PreDeployment: context.OutputPath /home/site/wwwroot
5:12:24 PM
Repository path is /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
5:12:24 PM
Running oryx build...
Show Logs...
5:12:34 PM
5:12:34 PM
Generating summary of Oryx build
5:12:34 PM
Parsing the build logs
5:12:34 PM
Found 0 issue(s)
5:12:34 PM
5:12:35 PM
Build Summary :
5:12:35 PM
5:12:35 PM
Errors (0)
5:12:35 PM
Warnings (0)
5:12:35 PM
5:12:35 PM
Deployment Failed. deployer = GITHUB_ZIP_DEPLOY deploymentPath = ZipDeploy. Extract zip. Remote build.
Command: oryx build /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted -o /home/site/wwwroot --platform nodejs --platform-version 20 -p virtualenv_name= --log-file /tmp/build-debug.log -i /tmp/8dc4473d36a35f4 -p compress_node_modules=tar-gz | tee /tmp/oryx-build.log
Operation performed by Microsoft Oryx,
You can report issues at
Oryx Version: 0.2.20230829.1, Commit: 5bd3088, ReleaseTagName: 20230829.1
Build Operation ID: 161d372baf3c7ded
Repository Commit : ab04b6f1-6cf1-4fd0-9f07-29162d59af24
OS Type : bookworm
Image Type : githubactions
Detecting platforms...
Error: Platform 'php' version '8.0' is unsupported. Supported versions: 8.1.22, 8.2.16, 8.2.9, 8.1.22, 8.2.16, 8.2.9
Error: Platform 'php' version '8.0' is unsupported. Supported versions: 8.1.22, 8.2.16, 8.2.9, 8.1.22, 8.2.16, 8.2.9\n/bin/bash -c "oryx build /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted -o /home/site/wwwroot --platform nodejs --platform-version 20 -p virtualenv_name= --log-file /tmp/build-debug.log -i /tmp/8dc4473d36a35f4 -p compress_node_modules=tar-gz | tee /tmp/oryx-build.log ; exit $PIPESTATUS "
hey, having this issue too. what was the solution for you? i tried switching from node 20 to node 18...currently deploying again.