- 4
Http request to retrieve the default version from '' failed
#2438 opened by DoubleYouGTT - 3
[BUG] command substitution: line 306: syntax error near unexpected token `' ','
#2481 opened by stellalie - 2
- 1
Python package not available at Web Application startup despite successful Oryx build
#2491 opened by djmeck - 10
Azure Deployment failed Http request to retrieve the SDKs available to download from ''
#2480 opened by gozanohesron - 3
Deployment failure for Next.js app
#2469 opened by swarnilnayan - 0
- 5
- 0
Very slow oryx build with python
#2489 opened by dipesh747 - 0
In Azure web app I see app's nodejs minor version different from oryx build's nodejs minor version
#2488 opened by theringe - 2
Consider removing/masking account keys from logs when deploying Azure Functions for the first time
#2476 opened by ericthomas1 - 1
#2468 opened by GitHub2Janky - 10
Oryx build not working for Azure App Service
#2486 opened by rubenCrayon - 4
When we try to deploy our code to Function app using DevOps Pipeline we are getting connection reset error.
#2405 opened by DurgaDevi-Gudala - 3
Unable to build a .NET 8 Blazor Static Web App with Oryx
#2350 opened by StefH - 4
- 4
AzureStaticWebApp@0 insist of installing older node version which lead to failure
#2367 opened by SH2015 - 0
- 0
NodeJS 20LTS Oryx deploy via local git failing
#2464 opened by shaunakv1 - 1
`npm install` time is snaillike
#2432 opened by erietz - 0
Deployment Failed - Detecting platforms... Error: Oops... An unexpected error has occurred. Error: System.Xml.XmlException: '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 1
#2456 opened by jfdsistemas - 7
Unable to retrieve SDKs from oryx-cdn
#2443 opened by Developer4190 - 0
Failed during oryx build due to \n/opt/Kudu/Scripts/ oryx build /tmp/zipdeploy/extracte
#2444 opened by Nicolas-Alvaredo - 0
Issue with latest Azure Function v1.15.0 released
#2439 opened by tishirsingh - 0
Deploying python based Azure Function from VS Code fails when latest arcgis library is included
#2437 opened by JKar-1 - 0
- 3
Version '16.20.2' of platform 'nodejs' is not installed
#2427 opened by ryssob - 0
- 0
npm ERR! Tracker "idealTree" already exists
#2424 opened by KorvasOlav - 0
- 0
- 1
Django app fails during deployment on Azure after collectstatic after 40 minutes
#2413 opened by ravi303 - 2
Issue with nodejs deployment
#2398 opened by hd-vt - 2
- 1
- 0
Dotnet not installed - NX Monorepo
#2403 opened by elvince - 2
- 0
Remote build failed!
#2399 opened by tyler-suard-parker - 2
Release 20240312.3 doesn't support node 18.19.1
#2392 opened by bh3605 - 1
- 0
- 9
Oryx does not support node version 18
#2369 opened by bh3605 - 2
GitHub action failing
#2366 opened by ismailhozza - 1
Authentication to private Nuget Feed fails in Azure Pipelines (via Static Web App)
#2355 opened by aKzenT - 1
How can I upgrade pip (Local Git, App Service) to a specific version and then make the Oryx use that pip?
#2356 opened by avineshwar - 6
Deploy To Oryx Failed
#2341 opened by 2xOu7 - 0
Unable to run apt-get update when using oryx/python:3.10 due to GPG NO_PUBKEY error
#2354 opened by ssanderlin - 0
Go build dependency update ?
#2351 opened by hbalaci - 2
Oryx has failed to build the solution: free(): invalid size Aborted (core dumped)
#2344 opened by markjamesm - 1
Platform detection uses old version of nodejs
#2343 opened by ahawkley