This software is part of "Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation", a submission to the NIST Post-Quantum Standardization project.
- alexw91@aws @awslabs
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- darrenldlAustralian National University
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- dfoderickSkylake Software
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- fernandolobato@Google
- GorrieXIVMagnet Forensics, @ArkellTechInc
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- jimourisNillion
- kammitama5University of Vermont
- LexD0
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- luou-wen
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- marksisson@Razorrock
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- musaprgLY Corporation (@LINE) / @mofusoft
- oldkingconenone yet ;)
- optimisticninjaAway from bloviating American Psychos
- otakumonsterChicago
- quantumpacketsomeone
- samettonyali
- sirgatezByteDance
- smarky7CDGainesville,Florida, USA
- stjordanisGreece
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- tactical-drone
- tmthrgdAdelaide, Australia
- unprovable
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