- abvadabraMontenegro
- AceeriSan Diego, CA
- Aidmx
- AndreiaValenteAuckland, New Zealand
- azimutArgentina
- BathurTencent
- beingalitaheriAppLab
- cerkutSound and Music Computing, Aalborg University Copenhagen
- chris-hldAalto University, Signal Processing and Acoustics
- cyril-perrinL-Acoustics
- DandyMania
- danpixeltoys
- daramf
- Devon-CrawfordUnited Kingdom
- dostieEarth
- EliasMascheParaguay
- facybenbook
- faulknerBlue
- flashyiyi
- freemancw@ValveSoftware
- hiro4476
- Hurricane31337Germany
- iexmatsuShanghai China
- james-e-kellyClimax Studios
- jaseva@Nurenyx
- jazzlost
- kieran196Adelaide, Australia
- MihalczGaborEgyéni vállalkozó
- nonlinHouston, Texas
- noslopforever
- raphaelg-dev@ArtFXDev
- RaphaelKomander@smARTnatives @openintegrationhub
- seblapz@lionel-numerique
- Tanshaydar@Bertec
- thomasdeppischChalmers University of Technology
- Yonet@Azure