TSVD is a tool for quickly finding thread-safety violations (e.g., data races) in .NET applications.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

What is TSVD

TSVD is a thread-safety violation detection tool described in the paper "Efficient and Scalable Thread-Safety Violation Detection --- Finding thousands of concurrency bugs during testing" in SOSP 2019.

What is thread-safety violation

A thread-safety violation occurs when an application concurrently calls into a library/class in a way that violates its thread-safety contract. For example, in .NET, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary is not thread-safe for concurrent accesses when one or both accesses are write operations. Therefore, the following two concurrent operations are not thread-safe.

//Dictionary dict
Thread1: dict.Add(key1,value);
Thread2: dict.ContainsKey(key2);

The above two concurrent operations can give nondeterministic results or corrupt the data structure, even if key1 and key2 are different.

What kind of class is not thread-safe

In C#, most classes under the System.Collections namespace are thread-unsafe unless they are protected by a specific lock.

How to apply TSVD


TSVD is designed for .NET applications. It works by instrumenting application binaries and running existing workloads/tests on instrumented binaries. Instrumentation is done by tool called TSVDInstrumenter.exe. Compiling the source code in this repo produces TSVDInstrumenter.exe in src/TSVDInstrumenter/bin/Debug.

As mentioned, applying TSVD on an application involves two steps:

  • Instrument the testing binaries with TSVDInstrumenter.exe. The usage of TSVDInstrumenter.exe is:

    .\TSVDInstrumenter.exe [directory containing applicaiton binaries] [path to instrumentation configuration] [path to runtime configuration]

    The instrumentation configuration file dictates TSVD's instrumentation behavior (e.g., what thread-unsafe APIs are instrumented), while the runtime configuration file contains TSVD's runtime behavior (e.g., what algorithm to use, where to write bug log files, etc.)

  • Run instrumented binaries with existing workloads/tests. If any thread-safety violation is detected, TSVD will produce a file named TSVD-bug-*.tsvdlog that contains details of the violation.


The repo contains an example application TestApps/DataRace that includes several thread-safety violations (concurrently sorting the same List). TSVD can be applied on DataRace.exe as follows:

  • Instrumentation. Under DataRace/bin/Debug, run the following command in command line:

    & ..\..\..\..\src\TSVDInstrumenter\bin\Debug\TSVDInstrumenter.exe . .\Configurations\instrumentation-config.cfg .\Configurations\runtime-config.cfg. It instruments all the binaries (in this case, only DataRace.exe) in the current folder. It will also copy TSVD runtime library and runtime configuration file to the current folder.

  • Run. After observing the Instrumentation result: OK which indicates DataRace.exe is already instrumented, run .\DataRace.exe. Since running the insturmented DataRace.exe, it writes all the detected thread-safety violation to the TSVD-bug-*.tsvdlog file.


For any question about the tool, please email us at tsvd_at_microsoft_dot_com


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