- 1
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
#59 opened by Bruno-Piccinin-RealComm - 0
update releases page to match nuget
#58 opened by voltcode - 1
- 2
AnyCPU version of LINQpad v4/v5 cannot load Tx (LINQ to Logs and Traces) LINQpad driver
#5 opened by Tuatan - 0
fix typo in name \Tx.Windows\PerfCounters\PerfCounteReader.cs -> PerfCounterReader.cs
#49 opened by jagilber - 1
PerfCounterReader.cs AddCounter throws exception on status PdhStatus.PDH_CSTATUS_NO_INSTANCE
#50 opened by jagilber - 0
appveyor build fail error NETSDK1004: Assets file 'C:\tx\Source\Tx.Core\obj\project.assets.json' not found.
#53 opened by jagilber - 3
- 1
Propose tinny language C# syntax shorter
#42 opened by osjimenez - 0
Expose the PcapNg writer
#40 opened by Tuatan - 3
- 0
Replace links to tx.codeplex with github ones
#39 opened by Tuatan - 5
- 1
Remove custom parser support for Syslog listener
#36 opened by Tuatan - 1
Support .NET Core App
#37 opened by Tuatan - 1
- 0
- 1
System.NullReferenceException in PerfCounterRealTimeProbe.Dispose when counterPaths not valid
#23 opened by Expecho - 0
Next release breaking changes (v.2)
#15 opened by Tuatan - 2
Does not work with LINQPad 5
#10 opened by sebwills - 1
- 1
TrapTypeMap - Non printable chars seen in value when OctetStrings that have hex values
#18 opened by arpitadessai - 1
TimestampAttribute inaccessible
#16 opened by arpitadessai - 8
- 2
LINQPad: Domain name has expired
#9 opened by smbecker - 2
- 3
How to build from source?
#11 opened by kiwipiet - 2
- 5
PerformanceSample.Timestamp is always the same when using PerfCounterObservable.FromFile
#3 opened by felipepessoto