Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Visual Deep Reinforcement Learning in 3 Stages (VRL3)

Official code for the paper VRL3: A Data-Driven Framework for Visual Deep Reinforcement Learning. Summary site: https://sites.google.com/nyu.edu/vrl3.


Code has just been released and the entire codebase is re-written to make it cleaner and improve readability, if you run into any problem, please do not hesitate to open an issue.

We are also doing some further clean-up of the code now. This repo will be updated.


03/30/2023: added example plot function and a quick tutorial.

VRL3 # this repo
│   README.md # read this file first!
└───docker # dockerfile with all dependencies
└───plot_utils # code for plotting, still working on it now...
    │   train_adroit.py # setup and main training loop
    │   vrl3_agent.py # agent class, code for stage 2, 3
    │   train_stage1.py # code for stage 1 pretraining on imagenet
    │   stage1_models.py # the encoder classes pretrained in stage 1
    └───cfgs_adroit # configuration files with all hyperparameters

# download these folders from the google drive link
└───demonstrations # adroit demos 
└───trained_models # pretrained stage 1 models
└───rrl  # rrl training logs
└───vrl3 # vrl3 with default hyperparams logs

To get started, download this repo and download adroit demos, pretrained models, and example logs with the following link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1j-7BKlYmknVCBfzO3MnLLD62JBngoMkn?usp=sharing

The recommended way is to just use the dockerfile I provided and follow the tutorial here. You can also look at the dockerfile to know the exact dependencies or modify it to build a new dockerfile.

If you have a local machine with gpu, or your cluster allows docker (you have sudo), then you can just pull my docker image and run code there. (Newest version is 1.5, where the mujoco slow rendering with gpu issue is fixed).

docker pull docker://cwatcherw/vrl3:1.5

Now, cd into a directory where you have the VRL3 folder (this repo), and also the vrl3data folder that you downloaded from my google drive link. Then, mount VRL3/src to /code, and mount vrl3data to /vrl3data (you can also mount to other places, but you will need to adjust some commands or paths in the config files):

docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v "$(pwd)"/VRL3/src:/code -v "$(pwd)"/vrl3data:/vrl3data  docker://cwatcherw/vrl3:1.5

Now you should be inside the docker container. Refer to the "Run experiments" section now.

Once you get into the container (either docker or singularity), first run the following commands so the paths are correct. Very important especially on singularity since it uses automount which can mess up the paths. (newest version code now uses os.environ to do these so you can also skip this step.)

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/workspace/.mujoco/mujoco210/bin
export MUJOCO_PY_MUJOCO_PATH=/workspace/.mujoco/mujoco210/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/nvidia/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/workspace/.mujoco/mujoco210/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/nvidia
export MUJOCO_GL=egl

Go to the VRL3 code directory that you mounted.

cd /code

First quickly check if mujoco is using your GPU correctly for rendering. If everything is correct, you should see the program print out the computation time for 1000 rendering (if it's first time mujoco is imported then there will also be mujoco build messages which takes a few minutes). The time used to do rendering 1000 times should be < 0.5 seconds.

python testing/computation_time_test.py

Then you can start run VRL3:

cd /code
python train_adroit.py task=door

For first-time setup, use debug=1 to do a quick test run to see if the code is working. This will reduce training epochs and change many other hyperparameters so you will get a full run in a few minutes.

python train_adroit.py task=door debug=1

You can also run with different hyperparameters, see the config.yaml for a full list of them. For example:

python train_adroit.py task=door stage2_n_update=5000 agent.encoder_lr_scale=0.1

If your cluster does not allow sudo (for example, NYU's slurm HPC), then you can use singularity, it is similar to docker. But you might need to modify some of the commands depends on how your cluster is being managed. Here is an example setup on the NYU Greene HPC.

Set up singularity container (this will make a folder called sing in your scratch directory, and then build a singularity sandbox container called vrl3sing, using the cwatcherw/vrl3:1.5 docker container which I put on my docker hub):

mkdir /scratch/$USER/sing/
cd /scratch/$USER/sing/
singularity build --sandbox vrl3sing docker://cwatcherw/vrl3:1.5

For example, on NYU HPC, start interactive session (if your school has a different hpc system, consult your hpc admin):

srun --pty --gres=gpu:1 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem 12000 -t 0-06:00 bash

Here, by default VRL3 uses 4 workers for dataloader, so we request 4 cpus. Once the job is allocated to you, go the sing folder where you have your container, then run it:

cd /scratch/$USER/sing
singularity exec --nv -B /scratch/$USER/sing/VRL3/src:/code -B /scratch/$USER/sing/vrl3sing/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mujoco_py/:/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mujoco_py/ -B /scratch/$USER/sing/vrl3data:/vrl3data /scratch/$USER/sing/vrl3sing bash

We mount the mujoco_py package folder because singularity files by default are read-only, and the older version of mujoco_py wants to modify files, which can be problematic. (Unfortunately, Adroit env relies on the older version of mujoco)

After the singularity container started running, now refer to the "Run experiments" section.

If you like to use the plotting functions we used, you will need matplotlib, seaborn and some other basic packages to use the plotting programs. You can also use your own plotting functions.

An example is given in plot_utils/vrl3_plot_example.py. To use it:

  1. make sure you downloaded the vrl3examplelogs folder from the drive link and unzipped it.
  2. in plot_utils/vrl3_plot_example.py, change the base_dir path to where the vrl3examplelogs folder is on your computer.
  3. similarlly, change base_save_dir path to where you want the figures to be generated.
  4. run plot_utils/vrl3_plot_example.py, this will generate a few figures comparing success rate between RRL and VRL3 to the specified path.

(All ablation experiment logs generated during the VRL3 research are in the folder vrl3logs from the drive link. plot_utils/vrl3_plot_runner.py was used to generate figures in the paper. Currently still need further clean up.)

  • BC loss: in the config files, I now by default disable all BC loss since our ablations show they are not really helping.
  • under src/cfgs_adroit/task/relocate.yaml you will see that relocate has encoder_lr_scale: 0.01, as shown in the paper, relocate requires a smaller encoder learning rate. You can set specific default parameters for each task in their separate config files.
  • in the paper for most experiments, I used frame_stack=3, however later I found we can reduce it to 1 and still get the same performance. It might be beneficial to set it to 1 so it runs faster and takes less memory. If you set this to 1, then convolutional channel expansion will only be applied for the relocate env, where the input is a stack of 3 camera images.
  • all values in table 2 in appendix A.2 of the paper are set to be the default values in the config files.
  • to apply VRL3 to other environments, please consult the hyperparameter sensitivity study in appendix A, which identifies robust and sensitive hyperparameters.

This table compares the computation time estimates for the open source code with default hyperparameters (tested on NYU Greene with RTX 8000 and 4 cpus). When you use the code on your machine, it might be slightly faster or slower, but should not be too different. These results seem to be slightly faster than what we reported in the paper (which tested on Azure P100 GPU machines). Improved computation speed is mainly due to we now set default frame_stack for Adroit.

Task Stage 2 (30K updates) Stage 3 (4M frames) Total Total (paper)
Door/Pen/Hammer ~0.5 hrs ~13 hrs ~14 hrs ~16 hrs
Relocate ~0.5 hrs ~16 hrs ~17 hrs ~24 hrs

Note that VRL3's performance kind of converged already at 1M data for Door, Hammer and Relocate. So depending on what you want to achieve in your work, you may or may not need to run a full 4M frames. In the paper we run to 4M to be consistent with prior work and show VRL3 can outperform previous SOTA in both short-term and long-term performance.

  • Some might encounter a problem where mujoco can crush at an arbitrary point during training. I have not seen this issue before but I was told reinit self.train_env between stage 2 and stage 3 can fix it.
  • If you are not using the provided docker image and you run into the problem of slow rendering, it is possible that mujoco did not find your gpu and made a CPUExtender instead of a GPUExtender. You can follow the steps in the provided dockerfile, or force it to use the GPUExtender (see code in mujoco-py/mujoco_py/builder.py) Thanks to ZheCheng Yuan for identifying above 2 issues.
  • Newer versions of mujoco are easier to work with. We use an older version only because Adroit relies on it. (So you can try a newer mujoco if you want to test on other environments).

VRL3 code has been mainly built on top of the DrQv2 codebase (https://github.com/facebookresearch/drqv2). Some utility functions and dockerfile are modified from the REDQ codebase (https://github.com/watchernyu/REDQ). The Adroit demo loading code is modified from the RRL codebase (https://github.com/facebookresearch/RRL).

If you use VRL3 in your research, please consider citing the paper as:

  title={VRL3: A Data-Driven Framework for Visual Deep Reinforcement Learning},
  author={Wang, Che and Luo, Xufang and Ross, Keith and Li, Dongsheng},
  booktitle={Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},

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